A right-wing movie.

Trey Parker and Matt Stone claim they aren't voters, but when I saw Team America, I found it to be unmistakably right-wing. Parker and Stone take a lot of shots at the left in this movie; they attack liberal Hollywood celebrities who merely believed that the War in Iraq was wrong. I suspect Parker and Stone supported the War in Iraq -- especially when you consider their pornographic portrayal of Saddam Hussein in "Bigger, Longer & Uncut".

It is also telling that Bush is never once parodied in this movie. Parker and Stone claimed it was because every other comedian had already parodied Bush, and they preferred to find new targets.

Maybe they just didn't parody Bush because they believed he was doing the right thing.

This movie attacks people who were against the war. It does not attack a single individual who supported it. The point of view of this movie is quite clear.



They were attacking both right and left.

It's not as obvious as the attack on left wing, but the entire point of the World Police is making fun of America for believing themselves to be the saviours of the world.

Matt and Trey are definitely more right than left wing, but this film shows two sides to their views.


But they said in their interview with The Guardian that as much as they parody America's role as police in the world, they've also accepted it and believe it to be necessary. To me, that means they're making fun of the right-wing while also embracing it -- which is hardly a criticism. Meanwhile, their assault on the left in this movie is vicious and completely unsympathetic. They think anybody who criticizes the War in Iraq is a "pussy", for example.


I think they were more-so criticising the Hollywood actors who feel the need to protest against something they don't know much about (th-the corporations do their... their corporationy things in their, their big corporation buildings, and they're all corporationy!)

In South Park they really demonstrate that they're centre rather than right or left, but I can see where you're coming from about this movie coming across as more right wing.

When you play the game of monopoly, you win or you go bankrupt. There is no middle ground.


The left needs to mocked. Now, more so than ever. And I'm a liberal. I'm just sick of extremists being represented as liberals when they're NOT.


I don't know if I'd call it a "right wing movie", but it's certainly a savage attack on the left. But when the whole premise is about making fun of "Team America", it's hard to say it was taking one side.

However, the speech at the end, which basically says "Team America" has to exist in the world (or else), at very least shows they supported America's reaction to 9/11.

There's the episode that confirms they think the people that believe in the 9/11 conspiracy theory are idiots, and that it was indeed a Muslim terrorist attack (Mystery of the Urinal Deuce). But then there's the episode where they pretty controversially condemn America and say we kind of had the attack coming (Osama bin Laden Has Farty Pants). So basically, as usual, they see both sides of the issue, make fun of both sides, and are somewhere in the middle.


not accurate, trey and matt are very dialectical which is hard to grasp by simple minds. and you may guess that the head of team america is dubya bush who want americans to suck his cock in order to prove their loyalty. they made a great episode in south park against the war in iraq where they went to TP the white house. they also had a whole show, that's my bush, to make fun of dubya.

i mostly will not be able to answer your reply, since marissa mayer hacked my email, no notification




This thread exists because The left are Pussies and Dicks *beep* pussies. So a bit of b****ing is expected. I just hope you can remember that Dicks also *beep* a**holes, And it keeps the Pussies from becomine A**holes because they are only an inch and a half apart.

So, what are you saying, exactly? That the War in Iraq was justified because it kept those who were against the war from becoming terrorists? That's what I gather from your post -- and certainly what I gathered from this movie as well.


No just making a joke. A paraphrased joke from the movie itself. It's a puppet movie that is poking fun at everyone I chose not to read to much into what a puppet says. I made this joke because you're pussy hurt and decided to make a thread about a puppet movie.


No just making a joke. A paraphrased joke from the movie itself.

Yes, I know you were the quoting the movie. My point is: The movie supports the War in Iraq because it suggests that anybody who criticized it was a "pussy".


Not all Hollywood are left wing shills.


Yeah, I guess you'd better settle in and get used to the fact that there is ONE movie that skewers the left a little bit. Must be difficult for you.


Yeah, I guess you'd better settle in and get used to the fact that there is ONE movie that skewers the left a little bit. Must be difficult for you.

I have nothing against movies which skewer the left. If anything, I agree that the left could use a good throttling every once in awhile.

But I do take issue with a movie which attacks critics of a war which -- I think, at this point, we can all safely agree -- should never have happened. Stone and Parker's basic argument was something along the lines of, "None of us know what's really going in the War in Iraq, so why have an opinion on it?" To me, turning a blind eye to such a war was the same thing as supporting it.
