So fucking awesome

Any sins Favreau may have committed are stricken from his record for having made Iron Man.

Talk about pitch perfect. Downey Jr is a revelation. The pacing and editing are riveting, the humour disarms any objections to the silliness of what we’re seeing, the supporting cast are incredible, the film literally has you fist-pumping at times - especially when Tony trials the suit and takes out those Islamist warlords - that scene alone puts Iron Man in the ‘all time cinematic greats’ category.

Everybody involved in making every movie in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, kneel before Iron Man.


It's still my favorite of the MCU films.




Just watched it for the first time since 2008, wholly fucking shit this movie aged so well it knocks any recent action movie completely out of the water!! What a film!!!


It's crazy how good it is. Probably a good thing too, since it kicked off the biggest franchise in history.


It's not only a damn-near-perfect Superhero/Comicbook movie, it's a damn near-perfect movie on its own. Just fucking incredible.


This movie is dogshit.
It's a low tier fantasy action movie.
The story is retarded. The arch is cartoonish. The main characters are cliche and uninteresting.
The action is bland, derivative, boring, unrealistic. The themes are not there.

Compared to previous comic book movies like Superman, Batman, Spiderman, it looks like a huge step back to the kindergarten. Which is its target audience anyway: an easily impressed, low expectations, little cultured audience.
And Favreu is a hack.


OP after reading this post


Such a poor opinion


Yeah Iron Man is incredible.

The character was a relatively minor superhero but it goes to show what can happen when you have a decent script, good director and cast it right. The film ignited the entire MCU.

It’s a shame Disney-Marvel have decided to ignore all those lessons now and turned the whole thing to shit.
