so which is your favourite?
for me it has to be Dangle with his Shorts, pantyhose, bikes and his damn handcanon
We are God's unwanted children?share
for me it has to be Dangle with his Shorts, pantyhose, bikes and his damn handcanon
We are God's unwanted children?share
I'd probably agree that Dangle is my favorite, but since most people said that I'll try and be a bit different by saying Weigel. She is just so random with her lines and they're so weird. She is probably the one I laugh most at even though Dangle has a bit more subtlety and finesse to him.
Of the minor characters I would again agree with most other posters that Terry is the most funny but a close second that I haven't seen mentioned is Craig Pullen, Trudy's husband and serial killer. He's so wonderfully weird and his way of speaking just makes me want to repeat every line he says the way he does it (nasal voice)aa-kay:) Funny guy! Also the soda-cup-guy has a lot of funny lines, "I think you guys look like a bunch of butt-darts" is my fave when discussing the ban on mustaches with Junior and Garcia.
Jones and Dangle
"I'm just a happy camper! Rockin' and a-rollin'!" - Patrick Bateman, American Psycho
Hands down
1.) Dangle
2.) Travis
3.) Garcia. Double kudos when paired up with Jonesy.
The crooks
1.) Terry, Terry, Terry! You cannot bear Nick Swardson on skates.
2.) Andrew. Man I laugh my ass whenever this guy is on. He has to be the funniest perv I've ever seen
3.) Big Mike
4.) Patton Oswalt
I also loved Cindy, the sex slave receptionist at the Station
I did not like Rizzo, Declan and sometimes Weigal got on my nerves. She was over the top.
share(Besides a few miscellaneous characters, I pretty much like everyone. They all had moments that I liked but..)
For the Cops:
I like Jones and Garcia scenes. And Cindy the sex slave. She was too cute and funny.
As for the crooks:
Terry is out of control, and then Andrew. All of his scenes were entertaining for me.
Weigel by far my favourite. From the Pilot onward, she's had some gut busting lines. "What if someone says, Whe-who-wh-which n----r took the last donut?"
And then it'd have to be Dangle. Thomas Lennon cracks me up with his sincerity.
Travis Junior, especially in Department Investigation, Jet Ski, and Animal Carcass Removal episodes.
Main cast: Dangle and weigel
Minor cast: Andrew was hilarious with his don't you judge me. I want to give pleasure.