MovieChat Forums > Ultraviolet (2006) Discussion > What did you rate this movie?

What did you rate this movie?

It's pretty bad but enomous fun, too. 5/10

October 30th:
Boondock Saints II: All Saints Day



It's an awful film with some ok moments . Also, it has one of the greatest lines of all time , ''You got hemo blood on's on .''


9/10 because of milla jovovich.


Easy 8. I remember telling friends I was going to see this and they all had the "why" look on their faces. I figured it was going to be pure action. So when I got a story...and a vampire story to boot (love vampire stories), I was ecstatic.

I think I got the unrated version of this. If not then I have to buy it when I can find it. Love this flick.



Looks like I gave it an 8 out of 10...

I remember being really excited when the trailer for the film came out and then I went to see it. When I was watching it on the big screen it didn't look as good as what I saw in the ad. I personally thought it was just OK and then left it at that...

But then something happened:
I saw it on DVD a year later and thought it wasn't as bad as I first thought! Being a fan of comic book type movies I actually think the comic book covers at the start of the film, during the opening credits, is trying to tell everyone who watches it that it's just a comic book and don't take it too seriously!! With that in mind I think it looks quite good and even the plot would work well within a comic book.

I remember reading someplace that the studio took the movie away from the director after he was almost through with it and cut down the running time quite a bit; so what we are seeing in this current version of the film isn't what the director's full vision was!!

I still enjoy watching this film an average of once a year since it was first released in theaters... And I own both versions on DVD and the PG-13 version on Blu-ray... Go figure!! ^_^
