MovieChat Forums > Four Christmases (2008) Discussion > SO STUPID WHAT MY MOTHER SAID TO ME RIGH...


Ok me and my family saw this movie and I was really excited to see it!(because of Vince,he made me laugh so hard).anyway I am 15 years old and I was watching the party scene at the beginning and when they were Hugging and kissing my mom looked at me and nodded her head. Then Right after the movie me and her stood up at the same time and she looked at me and said "that was very suggestive" I dont want you to see it again-and I was like Oh please! I have seen WORSE movies than this! Moulin Rouge(really bad sexual movie but really good story) and I said to her "I can see any movie I want and you and it would be my choice. I promised her I wouldnt see a Stupid movie or an R rated movie-Because I want her to trust me with movies I see. NOW I probably cant see "Australia" because "oh its got sexual stuff in it" and she said "you are not going to see that" and she promised me I could see that I was SO MAD!


Hmm. Try to talk about the films you want to watch with your mother and tell her why you want to watch them.

And well about sex scenes and stuff, isn't it better you know a little about that stuff. I don't know if you have sexual education at you're high school or what you're mom tells you about it, but you should say to your mom that information about sex hasn't hurt anyone, on the contrary. Ask her to watch the film first to see if it's really that terrible. Chances are that if she likes it, she'll let you watch it.

Personally, my parents let me watch anything and I'm glad they did.

If you've tried to talk about it with you're mom (talking not arguing)and she still refuses to give it even a second thought then I would watch it without her permission. But try to talk to her first!

About Amélie: Here in Belgium it's rated all ages (we only have two ratings all ages and 16+), so you can tell you're mother that.


Yeah, I can see yourself doing a lot of harsh drugs in your senior years of high school. Over protective parents' children always end up like that, sorry to say.


Yep....if not high school then in college whenever she gets some real independence. Girls like this like to go nuts and turn pretty skanky and dumb. Try not to do that Christine, that stuff isn't all its cracked up to be. Plenty of worthy r-rated movies though...they won't cause you any harm.



lol thats sucks!!!!!!! ur 15!!
NOTHING gets rated R any more and once your 15 your can see MA movies anyway - which coveres almost anything!

your mum must be abit off witht he fairies, go and hire out a proper, MA rated movie with plently of 'mature sex' stuff in it, get like Bully or Forgetting Sarah Marshal and watch it with her! then you have proof of what all 15 year olds are watching and hopefully she'll calm down
worked for me, lol

Avoid Suspicion
Manipulate your Friends
Eliminate your Enemies


YOur mother must be very conservative, if I were you I would watch whatever I want but not bring her along. You are 15, I don't think 4 Christmases is that bad compared to the trash that is out there today. Next time don't tell her what you are watching, don't bring her along, if not you are going to miss out on a lot of good movies.


well the funny thing is She got the tickets her self and said we are going to see four christmases! :)


That is pretty bad. But I have a story that is worse than yours (its actually about my friend since my parents were ok with me watching most movies). Senior year of high school, my friend had already turned 18 but her parents would not let her see R rated movies and were hesitant to let her see PG-13 movies that were very "suggestive." Some of my other friends and I went over to her house to watch movies and one of the movies was The Notebook. During the sex scene, I saw her dad lurking in the hallway looking at it with disapproval. BTW, the whole lurking in the hallway in the dark while we were watching that sex scene was just plain creepy. I know he didn't want her watching that kind of stuff, but he didn't have to stand there the entire time.


^haha that's pretty funny!
i had a Scary Movie marathon (only till the third then) once when i was 14 and my dad just watched it with me and laughed at all the sexual stuff.

My parents are pretty cool about it... but i'd probably kill myself if they ever try to have the sex talk with me.. which i doubt would ever happen LOL i'm already 19.

Anyway.. i dont remember my parents ever restricting me from watching r-rated movies. I mean, sure when i was 7 they made me cover my eyes during kate/leo's sex scene in Titanic but that was about the only time...

I do still get very awkward when i watch a very graphic movie with both my 'rents...

talk it over with her.. dude you're 15.

I suddenly remembered watching Sex and the City and my 10 yr old cousin came over and watched it with me... and then kept asking me what Orgasm means.. and then went to her mom and asked her when i refused to tell her..

lacks a smart title.. forgive me







Dude if you were in New Zealand you would be able to have sex in a year anyway.

World Famous in New Zealand since ages ago


i have to say this, to all u underaged children..
watch "Humpday"..
with your parents please..
that'll shut them up..


I found it funny that people are still deciding on ratings. Look around the world. The same movies have ratings from "G" to "R" around the world. So rating from which country is good for your children?
