Last 30 minutes was terrible, A lot of eye rolls proceeded
Was really good with the entire movie, the back and forth between Max and Vincent. Why is Vincent this ruthless killer, why is he dragging Max along with him..what does he want...what are his REAL motivations. We get hints at these and no answers and that is a sad thing to be honest. Interpretation is not always the best form of storytelling. My theatre coach taught me that. What he means is that sometimes you want to tell the viewer/reader something and you need to be direct with that. I thought Vincent did a decent job when he basically said, "We are all nothing anyways" before Max flipped the car, so we start to realize his motivation is that he a cynist and a realist.
We start to dig a little deeper and then out of nowhere its someone else directed the last 30 minutes of the film and decided to do this crazy save Jada Pinkett Storyline with felt contrived and boring to be honest. I would have rather they cut her 10 minutes she got out at the beginning and the 30 she got at the end and spent those 40 minutes developing both Max and Vincent in maybe two more major scenarios. I felt like I had more questions at the end than I had at the middle. Absolutely nothing was resolved. Was Max cleared by the police and feds since he saved a DA? Do the feds even care since he attacked a cop and held him a gunpoint to save said DA? What about Vincent and the Cartels shootout in the club which left at least 10 dead and who knows how many wounded. There was never any resolution to any of this.