Tarantino prefers Crystal Skull to Last Crusade

Enjoying listening to Tarantino rap about the Indiana Jones films on the
@ReelBlend podcast. Did not expect him to say he prefers Kingdom Of The Crystal Skull to Last Crusade

can sort of understand why as KOTCS is chock full of 50s scifi and a 50s Americana vibe which QT most likely grew up on in dollar theatres in the 60s , whereas TLC is like Raiders 2.0 with added Sean Connery


I prefer Crystal Skull to Raiders.


While my least favorite by a wide margin, I don't think Crystal Skull was absolutely terrible or anything & barring Shia Labeouf & the rather generic soviet antagonists as stand ins for the Nazis from Raiders, it felt a biLabeuft more like its own unique adventure than Crusade which enjoyable enough, always felt like a near carbon copy of Raiders that didn't stand on its own the way the vastly underrated Temple of Doom did.


He must have been tripping on some very hallucinogenic drugs that day.


I was too nice here. His opinion lacks both taste and intelligence. It can only be described as moronic.


Directors like QT are just like other people they have their own tastes and sometimes it'll go against common opinion.

QT, Del Toro, Scorsese...these people are quite hyperbolic and praise so many films. They have a love for cinema. People shouldn't take their opinions/statements too seriously. These guys are glass half full types, as opposed to glass half empty types who hyper analyze and criticize. Every second or third film they see has them singing from the rafters.

From memory I believe QT prefers Psycho II over the original and has said that My Bloody Valentine is his favorite slasher (over Halloween).


Tarantino most likely appreciates and digs all the 50s movie references in KOTCS, the 50s setting (the late 50s not too long ago to a kid growing up in the mid/late 60s), the scifi plot etc


Tarantino seems to like cheap movies. The campy stuff. It's all good. That influence gives his films that uniqueness we appreciate.


I prefer Crystal Skull to Tarantino films so there's that.


He probably just likes to imagine Spalko dominating him and standing on him in her bare feet.


I like the movie better than most, but wouldn't go that far.



I'd rate it a 6/10. It was an enjoyable time at the theater, but nothing special like the classic first three movies.
