The Movie ISN'T Bad. I'll tell you why.
Ok, everyone is way out of context here when they judge this movie as BAD and "hours I'll never get back" etc.
First of all, this movie is obviously not meant to be on par with the original classic. It isn't the movie that is bad, more so than it is our standards and expectations that have risen.
Many of the so-called crappy movies of today would probably have been classics and blockbusters of 20+ years ago. Conversely, many of the classics of 20 years ago, if they had been released today, would be a bust and thrown in your so-called crappy movie, wasted my life away, category.
Now this being said, there is no replacement for great storytelling/scripts, but for the most part, I'd like you to think about how much more it is our own standards and expectations that have changed that leads us to these conclusions.
Also remember, you're comparing great movies you saw as a child (usually everything is great from a child's perspective), to movies you are now seeing as an adult. Think about how much that can affect your perspective on things.
When I watched this movie along with many other similar low budget films, I'm not expecting anything great. That's why I actually found it fun.
Have a nice day.