MovieChat Forums > Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (2005) Discussion > The reason many people badmouth this mov...

The reason many people badmouth this movie

It's either because they won't stop comparing it to the original, or just because it's the cool thing to do.

With that said, I am not of of those people.


No, it's because it's a bad movie. It's not the "cool" thing to do, considering it was a box office success and got relatively good critic reviews. But the audiences didn't care for it as much, and it has no lasting legacy. The only people that remember it or care about it enough to post here are those who dislike it. It's one of Johnny's worst performances, it began the era of everyone getting sick and tired of Johnny and Tim Burton collaborations, they tarnished the story by putting in Wonka's Daddy and making Wonka the central character (which Roald Dahl would have DESPISED), and it was just plain forgettable and generic. It also bothered me how everyone involved in production seemed to be trained to say they disliked the 1971 film and it had no bearing on theirs at all (if you watch AnnaSophia/Freddie interviews you can tell these kids were trained to say that). What an insult.

The WiFi password is "Mother"


It was a box office success, but the audience didn't like it? Ooooookay. And even Roald Dahl despised the '71 version, which is why The Glass Elevator was never made.

As for this one, I find it just as entertaining as the first (I was 12 when the first on came out and I just finished watching the '05 version.). With the exception of Christopher Lee's part, this was almost an exact copy of the first one. Seeing that they're based on the same book, that should be expected, but there are times I swear they use the exact same line as the '71 version, so I really don't know how you could say one is better than the other. I did like the humor that was in this one, too. I especially like the Puppet Hospital and Burn Center.

Life is pain. Anyone who says differently is selling something.


It was a box office success, but the audience didn't like it? Ooooookay.

It's not uncommon for movies to be financially successful and yet don't receive great feedback from audiences, just look at Spider-Man 3 (2007), Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull (2008), and Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen (2009) for examples.

The main reason why critics were favorable towards this film back in 2005 was because the majority of them were on the Johnny Depp bandwagon, he was all the rage due to his Pirates of the Caribbean fame and could do almost no wrong at the time. But over time, reception has been much less positive, bordering on negative. If you look on Rotten Tomatoes, the critics' score currently sits at 82% "Certified Fresh", however the reviews were back from 2005 when the film was fresh and new, the audience' score (which is more contemporary with today) sits only at 51%.

And even Roald Dahl despised the '71 version

He despised every theatrical adaptation of his work made during his lifetime if it deviated even slightly from it's source. Heck, he was so unhappy with The Witches (1990) that he stood outside a London theater with a megaphone encouraging people to not see the film. If he was alive to see Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (2005), I doubt his 89 year old self would think it was any better than the '71 film, only this time he'd be complaining about Daddy dentist issues instead of Slugworth.


I imagine Dahl would have had his problems with this version as well. But I would also imagine he'd have at least a little more courtesy since this film didn't come with baggage of Seltzer re-writing his screenplay.

I'd say his reaction would start with "Thank you for keeping ______, but I'm mad you did this ________"


Roald Dahl despised the '71 version? Roald Dahl wrote the screenplay for the '71 version. Seems to be disconnect there.


Indeed Dahl absolutely hated the 71 version, but i doubt he would have liked this either, he never liked the film adaptions.


box office success only means a bigger advertising budget was used, it's called Marketing. It has little to do with people liking the film.


Actually they don't understand it's a SECOND adaptation of the book, it freaking says so in the opening credits! ....Glad you ain't.


Then why did they copy things that were only in the original film, not in the book?

The WiFi password is "Mother"



Yeah?? Why does it?


It is a decent movie. It doesn't compare to earlier Burton and Depp classics. Alice and Wonderland was decent but they have seemed to lost their fastball when they work together. It happens to all directors and actors eventually. Beyond Captain Jack I can't think of another movie in the last 15 years I enjoyed the film or his character in.


Personally, I don't even like Johnny Depp. Even in Pirates of the Caribbean, the only reason I liked that was because of the story, action and soundtrack.

Anyway, onto the main thing: My opinion on the film.

I disliked it. It was boring for a start. My other problems include one dwarf playing all the Oompa-Loompas, the horrible songs which are just painful to listen too, Depp's stupid man-child Wonka who looks like he's going to stab one of the kids any second and basically everything else.


^Then beat it from this board, loser.


Ooh, you're calling me a loser because I gave my opinion and told the OP why I disliked it? Really?


Hey now. Message boards are for everybody, not just fans of the movie. You should know that


I tend to agree with you - I loved this movie, and i love the original -




This movie was just bad.
There's nothing memorable about it, the songs sucked too. It lacked any real heart.
And Johnny Depp can't hold a candle to Gene Wilder's performance.


^The joke's on you, bitch. They are the songs from the book!


Who cares if they're from the book? First of all, it doesn't mean that the musical arrangement is automatically good. Second, people place way too much emphasis on the perfection of books, how they can do no wrong and any changes the film version makes must be "bad". I for one think all the changes made in the 1971 film were for the better, and that the film is BETTER than the book. Dahl was an antisemite, let's not pretend everything he did was perfect.

The WiFi password is "Mother"


Haven't read the book in over 15 years so I forgot that.
Still, the songs in the 1971 film are better than the songs from the book.


I enjoy both movies, and what I liked a lot about the 2005 version was it was a better adaptation of the book. Depp as Wonka was played well (although I don't know why his face is always a bit distorted. I didn't think he needed to do that) and most of the kid's scenes were right from the book.

That said, what I didn't like about the movie was the introduction of Dr. Wonka and that stupid sub plot. I also was never a fan of the Slugworth sub plot from the original film, even as a kid because I adored the book. I have always felt the book's story can stand on its own and doesn't need some weird subplot.

My major disappointment with Burton's version was the screenplay and editing choices. Had nothing to do with comparing the two movies because each was made in different times and places, and the culture has changed immensely from 71 to 2005. You can't compare the two. But people do.


I was really disappointed with the boat ride on this, and i also wished Elfman got his way and had all the songs follow the same musical structure as they would traditionally be. They would have been more memorable and not feeling like random pop songs plonked in.


I love it! I don't understand the whole Dr Wonka sub-plot hatred. To help the build up of the plot... we needed Dr Wonka there to help stress the issue of family. Because Willy really doesn't like kids... and down to it a strict business man in the real sense of the word in this movie. This Willy doesn't seem to be a man of distractions. We don't get a 'whole' lot of his personality in the movie, but in a way we do. We get a more realistic approach to how someone might turn 'into' being closed up in their factory with a bunch of little Oompa Loompas. He's cut himself off from the real world, not knowing HOW to deal with 'real' people. So when they twisted the story when Charlie says "No." to Wonka... we needed a little more extra to bring Charlie and HIS FAMILY to the factory. And I thought it was done rather well, in the old style OF a children's book. Where his elevator actually takes him to his Father's lost 'flat'! IN the middle of NO WHERE!! I just thought that was hilarious. And of course all the print, news clips, and pictures that Wilbur was following the success of his own son! And then we see how unusual Wilbur is with simply hugging his own son. That's where Willy GETS his mannerisms. I guess I could 'connect' in a way with the Halloween flashback... because my dad was being all grumpy with me as a kid (around 7-ish) one Halloween and ACTUALLY called my suckers "Cavities on a stick!".... "I'm a jalapeño... on a STICK!" (sorry had to do it). So when I heard Dr Wilber Wonka say that it just hit me HARD. I was like, CRAP! My DAD said that!! He didn't burn my candy with a SMILE on his face or anything demented as that... but still...

The random pop songs!? They were NOT random! They were carefully picked. We're NOT hearing the SAME tune over and over (like the first movie). What many people fail to notice is how this whole MOVIE is one big parody! From the whole movie (from the old movie AND book), to little Willy Wonka running through the Flag of the World... that scene was also used in some old movie. The chocolate river dance parodying the women's swimming dance stuff, Polyphonic Spree (the whole PETA issue & Squirrels!?). The music didn't come from the book, but a majority of the WORD/LYRICS did. (at least we didn't hear the Oompa Loomp's reference Violet's TEACHER'S NAME! (Mrs Bigelow in case you didn't know) He didn't use the WHOLE poems... though he used most of Mike TV's poem, and that one is one of my favorites songs from the movie too. (There is a LOT going on in that song.)

The 2001 reference/parody with the chocolate bar as the monolith & using the piece from the old movie, the Planet of Apes obvious reference, there's more too, just can't think of them all right now. But the movie is parodying SO many other things... I was the ONLY person the theater who LAUGHED when Violet's mother showed off her batons, but there is a REAL 'almost evil' joke there! There's a reason we don't see girls with batons in marching bands much anymore... Majorettes! I'll just say, the competition of the girls trying to be the 2 or 4 (sometimes ONE) majorette in a band can be MORE brutal than colorguard or dance line tryouts! I once judged colorguard try outs and we had to be ESCORTED to our cars quickly so the parents./mothers couldn't catch us, nor see us, so we couldn't be accosted by them! Band directors ABHOR majorettes and pretty much have nothing to do with them anymore, that's why you see them less and less or not at all in most bands of today compared to say 40 or 50 years ago. And Depp's performance, while most can't stand, I thought was rather clever. Like we couldn't 'quite' understand the character, because he was so....strange, but not 'evil', and not really demented, per se. We got to 'see' many more 'rooms' than the original movie. As many rooms as we saw, I almost FEARED we'd really see the room of candy that move 'round'. That was the DUMBEST part of the whole book. But to get the character Dahl created, we really have to meld BOTH Wonka's to get the book Wonka.

There's so much detail in the movie half of it is missed the first time through. Still love the Cousin It-looking Oompa Loops... "Slide me skin, soul brother!"... maybe I just have simple tastes, but I loved this movie overall better than the original. I still love them both. And both make me hungry for chocolate bars which ever one is on at the time... and isn't that the REAL point? EAT MORE CHOCOLATE! ;P And as far as the plot goes, seeing the Bucket's home INSIDE the factory at the end wouldn't have 'felt' right (as odd as it was) without the stress on family over all. But that's just me. And I know... I'm not everybody, just me. And no one on IMDB can take away why I love/like a movie. Maybe I should make that my sig... now. Hmm...

3rd generation American from a long line of Gottscheers... it was Drandul, dude!


The square candies LOOK round, that was the joke.


Nope. It's because it's a terrible movie.


Well that's basically your opinion.


I completely agree with you, and now it seems basically impossible to convince adults to like it since they're expecting it to be bad, but show it to children and they love it. I just wish more people would give it a chance.
