MovieChat Forums > Arrested Development (2003) Discussion > "A trick is something a whore does for m...

"A trick is something a whore does for money. ...Or _____!"

The correct answer is "cocaine."

Why did Netflix change it to "candy?" They kind of ruined the whole joke.
And was that the only change that they made, or are there other things that I've maybe missed?

I've only watched the show on DVD (and more recently on Netflix), so was "candy" what was said when it was originally on TV, and "cocaine" was on the DVD version? If so, why would Netflix even bother changing that?


The original DVD's contain both the unedited pilot and the cut version Fox originally aired in 2003. The former has the "cocaine" reference. Netflix contains only the censored version, but that is technically the version as it was originally broadcast.


Okay, thanks, that makes some sense then. I wonder if that was just because it was the pilot episode.
I definitely prefer the "cocaine" version, because that seems to be where the actual joke lies, and I think it better shows who Gob is as a character.


This is all wrong. A trick is someONE a working girl does for money. What Squares call “John’s,” working girls in The Life call “a Trick.” They ALSO say, “There’s nothing lower than a Trick.”


I'm not sure why you felt the need to clarify what all of us already know and, on top of that, to say "this is all wrong." We know what a "trick" is, and its definition hasn't been called into question here at all...

I have to ask, have you even seen the show/this scene?


It hasn’t been called into question because you are all Squares, have no knowledge of The Life and get your education from a TV show. In short, you don’t know enough to be able to conceive of a question.

I will never watch a TV show with a nonentity like Jason Bateman. I arrived here by following a link from someone’s posting history.

It pleases me to tell you that Working Girls say, “There is nothing lower than a Trick [noun, not verb].”


I'm 80% sure that cocaine was not used in the original tv cut. I only ever watched it on DVD but I vaguely remember talking about how that was an alt.
