Anyone else slightly creeped out by the relationship?
I mean, don't get me wrong, I felt the chemistry, but I couldn't help but remind myself every few minutes that this is a relationship between a 40-over man and a 20-ish girl. The only reason it didn't look creepy was because they didn't change Adrien Brody's look one bit, and obviously he looks a decade younger than he was supposed to be.
The scene where Jack fixes their car at the start was ok and I knew they were going to fall in love in the future anyway, but geez, the girl was barely 7 for god's sake. No girl at that age instantly feels a 'connection' with a complete stranger and decides to hug him just after a couple of seconds of toiling with the car. Added to that was when Jack visits Jackie's house to see her mom and give her the letter, and when he leaves, she has this look on her face which clearly shows she's smitten, if not in love with him.
Sorry, I can take the grown-up affection in the future scenes, but the girl/man love, I'm just creeped out. But only a little, because all in all I thought this movie was great.
Pop. Six. Squish. Uh uh. Cicero. Lipschitz.