Greatest movie stoner character?

A few contenders;

Kumar Patel

Ron Slater (Dazed and Confused)

Jeff Spicoli (Fast Times at Ridgemont High)

Saul Silver (Pineapple Express)

Brian (Half Baked)

Jay (Jay and Silent Bob movies)

Feel free to add any more nominees you think are worthy of the title.

"I know people who floss during meetings. And I hate them."


amazed they didn't get more run on this thread.... but what can anyone expect from stoners discussing stoners.

cheech and chong pretty much wrote the book on stoned characters, man.

Thread ender.


I declare this thread, nay this entire board moot as The Dude from The Big Lebowski is not listed here. Boo!

Booooo! Delete this board I say! Delete this MOVIE!


Seriously. No Dude? Bunch of fúckin amateurs!


Definitely The Dude
Of course Cheech and Chong!
Honorable Mention: Shorty Meeks from Scary Movie (Marlon Wayan's character)
