Who was Lil' JB's Dad played by??

He looked and sounded familiar, in fact for a moment I was reminded of Meatloaf... does anyone know who actually played him?


You must be kidding.

The actor who portrayed Li'l JB's Dad is Marvin Lee Aday, a.k.a. Michael Lee Aday a.k.a. Meat Loaf! There you are, sir.


It was Chuck Norris in disguise.


I think some of you are being a little hard on the OP.
It's not as if there is some sort of Internet Movie Database where they could look up info like this is there?

I mean, if the OP had come on to a website messageboard, that particular messageboard being one specifically for the picture that had a page soley dedicated to that picture that had things like a cast list on which CLEARLY lists Mr. Loaf as playing the father, like this...

Meat Loaf ... Bud Black (uncredited)

Even armed with such knowledge eaisly available, then still came on to ask who played him. Then you could make fun.

Sometimes the fact it looks like Meat and sounds like him is just not clue enough.

The greatest trick the Devil ever pulled was convincing the world he is God.


Relax, McClane, I don't know the others, but I was only kidding. Really, it was Meat Loaf of course, too bad he was uncredited just because he thought this movie would damage his reputation as a serious actor... he was for about 10 seconds in Wayne's World and still got credit for that... I don't understand him!


Meat Loaf playing the dad was one of the defining moments of my life, music-wise. I still can't believe that was the first time I had heard him sing...

I thank Tenacious D every day for that
