suitable for a 10-year-old?

Okay, I know it's rated 15 on the box but my son LOVES Jack Black and I really want to cheer him up 'cos he's a bit down at the moment. Can anyone tell me if there's anything really unsuitable for a ten-year-old?


Many uses of the F word
Satan is in the movie for about 6 minutes
Um...sexual references
Drug References

Last Movie Seen: Meet The Spartans (10/10)
Best Movie of 2008 So Far: Cloverfield




Anyone else getting a major Rorschach vibe from that guy?


How do we know what's suitable for your kid? All children are different. Watch it first alone and then make the decision as to whether it's okay for him to watch it.


I watched much worse films than this at around your sons age, but as Era Vulgaris said watch it yourself and decide. Probably the worst thing about this movie is the swearing, I doubt the "cock pushups" joke would bother your son much, what with him being a guy himself :p.


How do we know what's suitable for your kid? All children are different. Watch it first alone and then make the decision as to whether it's okay for him to watch it.

But that would require the parent actually parenting...


NO, you obviously do not know who Tenacious D is

If the revolution won't be televised I'll probably miss it.


Not really.. i mean, theres tons of swearing in it, the plot revolves around the devil, jack black takes magic mushrooms and has an acid trip, theres loads of talk about sex in it, and jack black shuts off security alarms by getting a boner and hitting a button with his dick. If i had a 10 yr old i wouldnt let em see it


Maybe not a 4 year old or something but I watched stuff like this when I was 10.



I don't even need to see the movie to know not to watch it. My 16 year old son wanted to put the songs on his ipod. Once i started to listen to the songs it was easy to see that the movie, the music and the lyrics are not fit for any ears. I deleted them all. Its sad that jack has to stoop to this level. School of rock (very good) must have went to his head.



Deleting music from your sons IPod is the surest way to make him fall in absolute love with it and want more.

Have parents still not learnt anything from thier rebellious youth?

School of rock was Jack being chilled out. Tenacious D is HIS band and the way that he naturally is. It's like when they put Cheech marin on the Golden Girls, he wasn't foolin nooone.


That was so American of you. I'm fascinated with how afraid you guys are of coarse language and humorous song lyrics with sexual references, but at the same time you can drop bombs all over the Middle East. Who’s the bigger influence of your kids? Some crazy actor/singer who curse and make sexual references “all the time”, or your president and his staff who orders the military to kill people every day.

Here in Sweden we’re not brought up that way. People swear on the TV every day (we don’t censor information here), we can watch programs with sexually explicit content pretty much anytime we feel like it and guess what, we even have sex ed. in schools from when the kids are around 10y/o. What else… Oh, I almost forgot… We’re haven’t been at war with anyone for over a century.

Personally I’ve been watching explicit movies for as long as I can remember. Growing up watching horror movies with my father, I’ve seen pretty much anything at a young age, and I still grew up as a normal gentleman, with a great job as a software developer, with great friends, and so on, and so on.

The moral of the story is this, don’t censor information for your kids, if you do they’re still going to get hold of it (probably behind your back) anyway. A better way is to talk to your kids, and say that you believe that the song/movie/etc might be bad for them and in what way, but that it’s up to them to decide. Find out why they like this song/movie and keep a dialogue with them. You should even try to listen to/watch it with them. This will strengthen your bond as a family and also you’ll learn more about the inner person of your kids.

Now I’ve talked a lot so here’s the answer the original question. Yes, you should let him watch the movie, and you should watch it with him.


<That was so American of you...> - Crax83

Look here, meatball, you don't want to be piss-mouthing the USA during an election cycle. We blow up countries bigger than yours just to show how tough we are and get extra votes.


Thank you for helping prove my point... You don't really give me a better picture of Americans than the rest of the world has. And by the way, not even Bush & Co are so STUPID that they would attack a country without reason (no matter how bad that reason might be). First of all they would get NATO, UN and EU (but being American most of you probably have no idea what EU is) all over themselves. But of course... stranger things have happened in your country over the years...

And with that attitude I hope you'll never have kids... and if you do I hope that the state will see that you're an unfit parent and take actions thereafter.

All conflicts can't be solved using violence, but obviously you're to ignorant to realize that.

It's somewhat interesting though, that you feel obligated to answer a post not even remotley directed to you. And by the way, I can talk trash (or piss-mouth as you so delightly put it) about any country i so choose, and do you know why? Because of freedom of speech and freedom of press. I believe you might have heard something about that once or twice in your life, if I recall correctly you have that right in your "First amendment".

And by reading your "reply" you project the image of a little imature seven year old boy, fascinated with war and big guns... OMG! You must be George W Bush, using a pseudonym!?

I hope to see a bit more mature reply next time (if you feel that you really HAVE TO answer to this post again), otherwise I'm gonna congratulate you for taking the virginity of my ignore list. And with all the idiots hanging around on these boards that's kind of impressive I think.

Enough off-topic now. Feel free to comment about my post instead of writing imbecilic one liners.


Typical foreigner stereotyping Americans. Oh so you must be a peace loving, cheese eating, hot blonde chick for living in Sweden yes? 'Cause that's my interpretation of a Swede. I love The D they rock my F--king socks off! so get off your high horse, don't bring political *beep* into a TENACIOUS D discussion board.

and if you're comfortable enough to let your kid watch it then all the power to you.


Acctually, politics is just what this is about... censorship is about politics even if it's just in your own family.

And by the way, you were pretty close on the average swede in you post, but we do have hot brunettes and redheads too ;)

I just have problems with parent forbidding thier kids to do stuff instead of keeping a dialouge with them and exchanging POV's and come to an agreement of what to do that way. Families should be run like a democracy and not like a dictatorship (OMG, even more politics).

Well at least that's my two cents.

Peace, Love, Blondes and Cheese for everyone!


Well I'm more apathetic than anything about politics, which I admit is pretty dumb on my part, but that's just my personality. I don't like conflict ha. I guess I'd fit in in Sweden?

I'm on fire and now I think I'm ready to bust a move, check it out I'm rockin' steady!


Well at least you could be a Swedish politician ;) They're usually pretty good with avoiding conflicts... WWII, The PirateBay lawsuit etc.

But the majority of the people they're representing aren't like that anymore, at least not imo.

But maybe we should try to get back on topic now? ;)



Man your ignorant... youve been watching explicit content since you were a child? hmmm is this why all the swedish ppl I know are so perverted and cant stop thinking about sex?

Droping bombs has nothing to do with anything.Im all for dropping bombs,especially if it gets rid of ppl like you!

One of the only reasons you havnt been to war for over a century is because you suck ass,your country isnt worth taking over,nor is it fun to fight/kill swedish ppl because you all cant fight worth a sh!t....ppl dont like a 30 minute war...



Hey man! It must be a real pain in the ass having all that aggression growing inside of you. Good thing you let it out.

I noticed one of your other posts (in "the home of the brave" forum) where you said it's better for kids to see killings and violence than nudity. That made me laugh so damn hard. I prefer sex over violence any day. Ever heard of "make love, not war"?

And to say that we think about sex because of movies and songs with explicit content is just as ignorant as blaming violent movies and video games for school shootings. But that's probably your kind of thing because violence is better than nudity, isn't it? Imo violence and war is just retarded.

my guess is that if you didn't have access to the internet, you'd never be able to point out Sweden on an unmarked map.

Since your all about killing people, please do so and commit hara-kiri and keep your honor (i.e. if you had any from the beginning).

Peace and Love!


Aggression is what makes a great country,without it our country would suck more than yours.

Ever heard of "MAKE WAR,NOT LOVE" id rather my child watch somebody get blown up & think its awesome,rather than him going and and thinking it would be cool to either rape a women and or talk about perverted Sh!t all the time.

Violence & violent movies/games are 2 different things... Violence is so much better than sex/nudity. " violence and war is just retarded" It may be,but thats not the point. You see,without war or Violence,many of the things we & other countrys have prob wouldnt have some of those items.

Since you hate violence...let's say your married,you and your wife go to the store.after your done shopping your at the check out & your wife decides to go out to the car while your at the check out. When your finally done,got all your groceries,you go to the car,but wait! your wifes not their.Your spinning around worried trying to figure out where she is.You hear a scream from the ally ,its your wife,you run over their and shes being raped.... please,tell me what you would do. Would you stand their and watch? ask him nicely to please stop? or would you beat the living sh!t out of this man/kill him?

Knowing your kind youd just sit their and watch,maybe at the end he kill her,but yet you wont do a *beep* thing.

I never said I like killing,But I believe its necessary,especially in WAR...



Aggression makes people hateful and ignorant to the world around them, you are obviously a living proof of this.

Personally, I don't call raping a woman love, but maybe in your twisted brain it's the same thing. We all get off on different things, I think (from what I've seen you write) that your "pornography" is violence.

Wow, that must be the most stupid comparison I've ever heard... That's like saying that you don't have sex since you think it's "perverted sh!t", and I'm pretty sure that you like most human beings (munks and nuns excluded) have a normal sex drive (even though I really hope that you don't procreate).

By the way, you are really dragging this topic in a completely screwed up direction. And I must say that it's not that I don't like violence in games and movies because I do. I just think violence in real life is stupid. If you can't solve a conflict using common sense, logic and words to create a solution for all involved you have failed. But of course, I wouldn't hesitate to use force (within the boundaries of the law) to save myself or a loved one, that too is common sense.

War shouldn't be necessary in the first place. Even YOU must think that the world would be a better place without it.

Please get back on topic or start a new topic about this, because I won't continue this off topic discussion anymore.

Peace and Love!


Aggression makes people hateful and ignorant to the world around them, you are obviously a living proof of this.

Wow, I could have laughed at that one... but I restrained my self.

Aggression dosnt make ppl hateful and ignorant.Look at you,your not really being aggressive,but your being ignorant and hateful...Think before you type something you dont know much about.

Did I say I think rape is cool? noo,maybe you should read things more carefully,if you truly understand anything. I think (from what I've seen you write) that your "pornography" is violence. hmm thats new,but may be true. in that case,atleast I dont think about sex and other perverted sh!t,nor do I talk about it.

I dont find sex itself perverted,I find talking about it quite perverted,for its something that should be private.And unlike most of the world,I follow God in most aspects,so therefor im waiting till im married to have sex...

And I must say that it's not that I don't like violence in games and movies because I do. I just think violence in real life is stupid.

Well that their just makes you look ignorant and a freakin hypocrite, Liking violence in a game and movie is just the same as liking violence. its not possable to talk your way out of war...ppl have tried,but to the enemy that makes you look like a chicken Sh!t & will either get your head wacked off or a bullet to the head. Id much rather drop a huge ass nuke on them rather than sacrifice brave US Soldiers.

War shouldn't be necessary in the first place. Even YOU must think that the world would be a better place without it.

Sorry,but no. That would make my life boring.

Please get back on topic or start a new topic about this, because I won't continue this off topic discussion anymore.

Are you seriously that retarded? your the one that first went off topic.So for your ignorance This will stay off topic!



get your son the clean version of the soundtrack and let him listen to that for a while, its a hell of a lot funnier than the original anyway.

"Nobody calls Soundwave uncrazzomatic"


i have to agree that daveshanahan is stereotyping himself



please please please! i know it is SO easy to stereotype americans because of our terrible leadership, cocky attitude, and ignorant rednecks but don't shuffle all people into that category. personally, i'm american and can't stand it most times. i agree/disagree with what you have to say. i don't believe in censorship (which means NO ONE can watch or hear), but rather a control of the material. kids can watch and listen to stories of mass murder and destruction everyday on the news, but it's wrong for them to watch a comedic duo sing about raunchy things? a little messed up. i disagree with the stereotyping, it isn't cool. a lot of "americans" disagree with the way things are going.

"Most folks are about as happy as they make up their minds to be."


Whos the bigger influence of your kid? Some crazy actor/singer who curse and make sexual references all the time, or your president and his staff who orders the military to kill people every day.

I agree with most of what you said, but since when have kids cared about or looked up to the president? Jack Black would have a way bigger influence on them.

"Why are you wearing that stupid man suit?"


Your son is at the very least highly annoyed with you; and, if you think "School of Rock" went to Jack Black's head and had him stoop to this level, then you never had any idea about Tenacious D's music whatsoever. This was Jack Black's style long before "School of Rock" ever came along. I'm really not sure what's worse? Is it a father who deletes music off his 16 year old's iPod, or a 16 year old who is so incompetent as to allow that to happen in the first place?


lol, i feel sorry for you.


"Stoop to this level"? He stooped to epic level, in my opinion, and and the fact that there is cursing doesn't make it any less of an epic. :)


You deleted songs from your 16 year old son's ipod????



Lol you're a terrible parent.


michael, i do not want to be rude, but you need to get your facts straight. Tenacious D is basically the reason Jack Black is famous. It started out as a HBO series an gained a large fanbase through that. At this time, Jack Black was still only receiving minor roles in films, but it soon stepped up. School of Rock was written for Jack Black by one of his good friends (the guy who played JB roommate). So this is actually Jack's true style.... Just thought I'd let you know






if your son is a Tenacious D fan, the let him expose his eyes to the greatest movie ever to be created. if not, its mostly about Satan and drugs. And swearing. And drugs.
