OMG! This movie has got to be one of the absolute worst movies EVER!! I don't find a movie I can't finish very often, but this one was definately one. I usually can force myself to finish, but it was at the ass-mark scene that I could no longer stomach it.

This movie had a brilliant beginning. Young JB singing rock and MEATLOAF as his religious father telling him Rock was of the devil. It had SUCH promise... Where did it go wrong? How did it go soooo far off track!

I expected it to be a bit stupid, after all it's Jack Black, and I like Jack Black. Nacho Libre was hilarious up to the last fifteen minutes, where it, too, took a nose-dive into the crapper.

Jack Black seems to be a great starter, but cannot close the deal.


ignore the comedy part if you must, or just listen to the CD, or just ignore it period. I don't blame you for hating the movie but as someone said it is for Tenacious D fans. In my opinion the music is absolutely brilliant and wide-ranging and that's enough for me

Not gonna lie I didn't see it in theaters though haha


To OP:
According to your account, you liked the beginning, but didn't like the ass-mark scene and didn't watch the remainder of the movie. Your opinion should be valued accordingly.



It's one of my favorite comedy movies.I watched it like 6 or 7 times with different groups of people,and they all loved it.I also enjoy the music.If you don't like metal,you probably won't like the movie,but otherwise,i think it's impossible not to love it.


I watched it like 20 minutes ago and it *beep* rocks, hell yeah!!!


after the first time i watched it, i gave it a 9/10 rating on imdb ;)
i'm rewatching it now and while i still like it, i feel like the pace is a little slow, we're used to a faster pace with most of today's movies. still a great movie, but for me definitely not one i'd rewatch too often.

but i agree that if you don't know the band or don't like the music, it's probably hard to enjoy the movie.
i was surprised, though, that it did so bad at the box office that Jack Black was discouraged to write another script.

"Angel Investigation - we hope you're helpless" - Doyle


It's meant to be retarded.


Hi, I'm from 7 years into the future. I've just now found your post, and I've got to say that it's cool if you don't like it. But DO NOT INSULT SOMEONE'S ACTING SKILLS UNLESS YOU HAVE SOMETHING TO AMOUNT AGAINST THEM. Jack Black is a fantastic actor, he does his best to make a movie that people will like, and frankly, I hated Nacho Libre because I thought the plot was stupid as hell. However, Jack Black made it good. I can actually criticize actors because I am one (and I don't know how good I am, I just know that I was told I'm pretty good). Don't make snarky remarks unless you've gone through the hell that is memorizing and acting out a situation completely out of your character.


If you don't think this is the greatest movie ever, then you have a very poor taste in everything. Good day to you.
