I've personally never seen "The Uninvited" (though I've heard it's decent) so obviously the original for me. I think the order of which you see them really impacts your view.
I was breath-taken with the depth and drama of this movie, but after two friends and I watched it, all they did was compare it to the "The Uninvited" which I find unfair. Because they knew of the twist at the end they weren't emotionally involved throughout. And even then when I explained to them the step-mom thing (in which Su-mi is creating scenarios in her head where she plays herself and her step-mother to be there for Su-yeong) they didn't seem to care. It's my understanding "The Uninvited" didn't delve this far in, but still they were dispondant.
They always say whichever you see first you like more, which is really too bad for anyone who saw the remake before this gem.
I saw the Uninvited first. However, it did nothing to ruin the pleasure of Tale of Two Sisters, for me. In fact, when I began to watch Two Sisters, I did not know at the time it was related to the Uninvited in any way, lol. It wasnt until it really started to show the hostility between Su-mi and the "stepmom" that I was like "Hey... this reminds me of the Uninvited."
At that point I made the connection about the girls hanging out at the wharf at the beginning of the movie and the similar scene in the Uninvited.
My final opinion when the movie was over: A much better piece of art than the Uninvited. Dont get me wrong, I loved the American film, but it really lacked the depth of this Korean original. Also, after watching Two Sisters, I definitely think that
A)Su-Mi taking on the personalities of both the sister and the stepmother makes much more sense than the main character in the Uninvited hallucinating ONLY her sister, and no one else (dad or stepmom) in the house notices throughout the entire film.
B)The Uninvited goes too much into all that nonsense about the woman who murdered those children who she meets in the mental hospital.
The Uninvited is just ridiculous, from the opening scenes with bikini clad kiddies making out on a beach to the ending by which time I was snoring away from boredom! lol!
I saw this first and loved it. I watched the remake a few weeks ago, in the hope they might have done a good job with it, but they hadn't. It was only "ok", whereas this was excellent.
My opinion is completely opposite of everyone's here. I literally just saw this film and it is one of the worst films I have ever seen. It is so horribly done. Until the end, I had no idea what was going on. Okay, I figured a few things out, but for the main plot, I had to look it up here. I will say, though, that it did have an excellent atmosphere, better than The Uninvited, which I saw first. ATOTS had some scary parts, truly scary, but the whole entire film was terribly slow.
The Uninvited is excellent. I love the relationship between Anna and Alex; I believe that they love each other and Anna would do anything for Alex. In this film I thought the sisters were cute together, and I believed that they loved each other, but I just couldn't connect to them the same way. Other than that, the plot of ATOTS was nonsensical while The Uninvited was surprisingly clever. I know The Unninvited is based on this movie, but The Uninvited is put together so much better. I liked how the story about Mildred Kemps was included. It made a much better plot and a believable twist.
In The Uninvited it's written so it seems that people are actually responding to Alex, that she is being included, so it isn't obvious at all that she's dead. I loved that about The Uninvited. Didn't see that coming. But the stepmom in ATOTS...I saw that coming from a mile away. How Su-mi and she were never in the same room with the dad, or if they were, they never both spoke. It was ridiculous. So obvious that the stepmom wasn't real. The way the father treated her completely gave it away. Why would he treat his new wife that way? Because she's his daughter. Yeah. Not that I figured it completely out, but I got the gist. Same person, come on.
No hate, but I completely disagree. The Uninvited was like the Disney Channel trying to remake A Tale of Two Sisters. The Asian film had the fine nuanced acting, the far classier script, music, atmosphere, etc. and the relationship between the two sisters was melancholy and bittersweet. I thought the sisters in The Uninvited were ridiculous. They didn't look like sisters, the supposedly younger one towered over the older sister and when we first see the younger sister she's in a bikini! It was like the producers knew their film would never compare with the Korean film and so sent messages to the director: "Lots of skin! Let's tease them with sex right at the beginning!" Ugh.
I first saw A Tale Of Two Sisters when I was 14 with some friends, and it scared us *beep* I saw it once or twice after that too. Then, about a year ago, I caught the Uninvited on TV. During, I said to my sister, "This seems like a real Americanised rip off of A Tale Of Two Sisters," and didn't realise til the end credits that it was a remake. The Uninvited was alright for your typical American teen ghost movie, but A Tale Of Two Sisters is really something else. It went beyond making me jump, it *beep* with my head, and that was what was so great about it. Just like the stepmother says, I couldn't get it out of my mind. It followed me around...like a ghost! (My friends and I certainly had a thing about dark spaces under sinks for a long time!)
The Uninvited was a decent adaption. It really was. People complain that it was "bad", but look at One Missed Call. That's embarrassing.
I consider The Uninvited and A Tale of Two Sisters two completely different films. They have the same roots, yes, but the plots differ in so many ways that I can't consider them remakes of each other. Besides the overall twist and the premise, there are many storyline chances.
Is the Uninvited a contender for a Tale of Two Sisters? Course not. But was it a fair film on its own that I thoroughly enjoyed.
-------------------------- SURVIVAL OF THE FITTEST! Mah ass >:(
"The Uninvited was a decent adaption. It really was." - asouer8
I would disagree, it really wasn't. I don't normally rip on films I don't like, mostly I just pretend they didn't happen, life is just too short to waste time on hating. However, The Uninvited is just too annoying to ignore.
"People complain that it was "bad", but look at One Missed Call. That's embarrassing." - asouer8
The thing is, comparing one bad film to another bad film just means that there are two bad films. It would be better to compare a bad film to a universally liked film and look for similarities ... good luck with that.
"...but the plots differ in so many ways that I can't consider them remakes of each other." - asouer8
Wait ... what? You realise that The Uninvited was supposed to be a remake, right? The fact that you don't see it as such, is a sign that the director failed in his attempt to remake a great film. The Uninvited is a 'remake' of the 'original' A Tale Of Two Sisters, and a bad one at that.
"But was it a fair film on its own that I thoroughly enjoyed." - asouer8
You are entitled to your own opinion, of course, but the Uninvited I saw was ham-fisted and anything but nuanced. I didn't enjoy any of it.
>>>"I love you ... I have a condom" - The Uninvited
Exactly. - Overseer-3
Well lol I could say sadly this is America's youth so not so much that a movie is trash but the youth is and I myself am only 20 so I am not an older person saying this. You won't believe the stupid things you hear young people say.
Now onto the question I watched The Uninvited first and really liked it and thought it was pretty good especially for being a 2000 and later horror movie. It is one of the ones I actually remember and enjoy.
I saw The Uninvited first and the movie is not "garbage" it's an American horror film and gives exactly what you would expect from one. Korean horror & American horror are very different so I can say they both accomplished what they set out. I prefer ATOTS for it's depth though
No one should just be themselves. They should constantly strive to be a BETTER person all the time, and improve their lot in life. Having a sex signature that belongs in the gutter, esp. for a young person, doesn't convey to the world that they have a good, moral character. Just some motherly advice from someone who has raised 5 outstanding children. :)
yea I'm with you on that one. "whatever" because that judgmental weirdo doesn't know how old I am or how many children I've raised so I can do without the advice. I'm successful in every aspect of my life & if my signature offends you I'm glad. This will be my last reply though, toodles :)
Well if you are older that is even more evidence of an arrested development because that signature is something a loose 16 year old would have, not someone cultured and well educated.
I realize this is an older post, but I saw The Uninvited first and LOVED it. (I still do) I found it was well performed, shot and had a great score. I then went online and watch ATOTS because I knew it would be even better.
My problem with watching The Uninvited first is that I was focused on THEIR plot twist as opposed to A Tale of Two Sisters' overall story. The Uninvited is all built around the death of Alex whereas in ATOTS has many levels and the sister's death was only one of them revealed pretty early on. I had to rewatch the film a few times to actually understand what was actually happening. I now love ATOTS and learn new things about it each time I watch it. Both are beautiful films but have different focal points.