Lamest. Movie. Ever.

This movie has taken the place previously held by "Cabin Fever" as the worst movie I have ever watched. It was probably the most dissappointing, too.

And why was this movie advertised as a comedy? Nick Swardson's 2 minutes in the film was the only comedy.


Its a comedy drama.



The humor is in the art itself and the responses to it by the students. I've been in many creative writing classes where we did workshops and people will rip work that is good and try to elevate the experimental. And in the end, just like the movie, everyone gets an A. Maybe this movie fails to relate to those outside the create world, but I think it speaks to those of us in it.

Just my 2 cents.


yeah. stay out of our "create" world!

(was that art?)


'Ghost World' did a much better job at parodying art school.


I've never been an "art" person or been part of the "creative world" for the most part, but I think the satire is pretty self-explanatory to people who have half a brain. That aspect is great and works, and I enjoyed the first half of it for that reason, but this movie spiraled out and became crap as it progressed.

Also, I'm not sure that this Minghella fella will ever be able to carry a movie, although I might be too judgemental here (I've only seen him in this and Bee Season, both movies that I didn't like, so I might be a little slanted).


I laughed my ass off. Maybe you just didn't get it, well, its not really hard to get, so i guess that's not it. But maybe you're just not into this creative art circles. Thing is: the characters in this movie are not really exaggerated, and thats made it hilarious for me. I went to art school for abit and whole process of creating art / discovering art is beautiful. And when i watched this movie i couldn't help but admiring these characters, e.g. i thought the thing with the guy who jumped against the canvas was a really smart idea (well not smart smart, but artsy smart) and its funny because you just know that art students all over the world surely did that for real :)

(this is the greatest post in the world - tribute)



Please note that this movie has one of the lamest endings to a movie - ever.
And why ? It's so cliché and doesn't add anything to the movie --- who, btw, is fine, right up til the lame ending!


This film barely held any laughs, not even John Malkovich's coming on to the young student scene saves this damn movie. Know what the theme of this movie is? Murder is Art, that's how it portraits it's artists... as murders. From direct insane murderous rampage of the lonely fat man to the indirect destruction of building and all the people in it by a cigarette, what's it trying to say? unless you doing something in the real life, you're not an artist? I guess the next best thing is to be an *beep* and call yourself an artist.

I was high when i watch this dumb movie, and I barely laughed at all. Maybe this is a reflection of middle class kids going to art school, cuz I know working class people who went to art school just dont have the time to do all these stupid dumb things as seen in this movie.


I think this film is for a really, quirky and specific audience.

Anyone can see it and some will appreciate it because it "speaks" to them but I think most people won't sympathise with the characters unless they've delved a little bit, into THAT particular world.

In other words.... while I liked "GLENNGARRY GLENROSS" as a movie... I didn't really, REALLY understand "GLENNGARRY GLENROSS" as a movie until I got into sales myself.

I suppose the screenwriter or director of ART SCHOOL CONFIDENTIAL can be blamed for not "homogenizing" the characters a bit for a greater, broader appeal to artists and non-artists alike.... but as an artist writing about an artist for an audience of artists (let's face it... readers of "GRAPHIC NOVELS" tend to be "artistic") I don't think Daniel Clowes was too concerned with ACCOUNTANTS or DOCTORS "getting" his graphic novel and I don't think ZWIGGOFF strayed too far from the story that CLOWES had told.

I went to art school.... so alot of this stuff rang true to me and while I have to admit the film started to fall apart for me in the second half I can honestly say that it's nowhere NEAR the worst film I've ever seen.

I think you need to see more films! (Ha Ha!)

ZWIGOFF has done better...

Hiya Doll... Wanna piece of fruit?




If I read the threads on this movie correctly, I can make out that you actually LIKE the film. Sadly, you weren't able to determine the same from my comments.

ART SCHOOL CONFIDENTIAL was just fine. I enjoyed it, but my criticism is simply that it started to fall apart towards the end. Not even because the "idea" or "path" it took was so outlandish.... but because the second half looked and felt like it had been written and directed by a completely seperate set of people.

I also maintain that the characters were not sufficiently fleshed out and I can see why casual viewers might not be "into" the movie as much as you or I were, because the characters would seem 2-dimensional and superficial to people who had never encountered (in real life...)individuals like the ones in the film.

As for funny..... Sure, I got a few laughs out of ART SCHOOL CONFIDENTIAL, but if you found this movie "funny" - - as in laugh out loud, side-splittingly, milk out of your nose funny.... well, I guess there's no accounting for taste and you (and people like you...) are obviously the key to why JERRY LEWIS, BOB SAGET and CARROT TOP still enjoy careers in comedy.

Have a nice day...

Hiya Doll... Wanna piece of fruit?


I agree with the comment about "working class people who went to art school just dont have the time to do these stupid things"


Man, I wanted to like this movie. I did. I mean I saw the trailer, and i thought, wow thats going to be like a funny take off on my grad school experience at CalArts. But it wasn't. It was poorly written and edited instead. How very cliche in characterization and portrayal of the art school environment. Maybe CalArts is different from other art schools in that way, i doubt it, I don't think it's an incredibly unique art school. It felt like I was watching someone who didn't go to art school tell me what being in art school was like and who i went to school with. But I don't remember any of this. Sure a lot of the art that got hung in student schools was a bunch of crap and had *beep* behind it. And whenever they had criticism in the dialogue it sounded like it was self referential.



yeah i agree with the "worst movie ever title" it was pretty bad and it had the potential to be pretty good too as daniel clowes wrote the guy who directed ghost world directed it so it could have been good... but it wasnt


"It felt like I was watching someone who didn't go to art school tell me what being in art school was like and who i went to school with."
I agree with this entirely. I think it seems to be emphasizing one small part of how certain things are done in the art school and make it look like it's one big "conclusion". It feels weird, because it's rather contradictory, I mean, it's only the first year and everyone wants to make it into the business? And they can't take criticism, which is nothing more than "lame" while other art critiques can bring the entire art history against you?
I actually think that this movie seems to be directed to the "general public" because this image of art is what other people tell me when I went to art school, but it's just what they see in the surface. 'Specially the part about painting little pictures on "sneakers" (That is art...?). I think maybe part of it is because there seems to be a lack of reference on the actual language and the history of art and that relation to all the characters in the movie.


Though I wouldn't go so far as to say the lamest ever- "Boxing Helena" is my pick for that slot-haven't seen "Cabin fever". I must say though that this movie is probably one of the stupidest, mean spirited and downright ridiculous movies I have seen in probably 10 years. Taking every stereotype of art school students and artists and pushing them to the most absurd limit is neither funny or interesting.
(They do ring true ha ha- that joke lasts for about 5 minutes) . To think, Terry Zwigoff who made probably one of the greatest movies on an artist ever made, "Crumb" as well as the wonderful "Ghost World" also written by Daniel Clowes, would make such utter crap is beyond me. I was truly surprised at how bad this movie was.


not the worst movie but from about an hour into it i got really bored really quick... I think it was to do with me hating the main characters.. But the first hour was brilliant


Just watched the film and I wasn't sure if I was going to like it, then as I watched I really got into the whole "inside" art school scene.

Then it changed into this character study of the kids obsession to be the best and then it changed into this lonely guy obsessed with the girl at any cost.

Finally, it gave us this murder as artist/loser and how art is only good if it is wrapped in cultural obsenity. So, we find in the end a critique on culture more then art or the artist or even the art school, which is what we started with.

For me, it was well done...all five different times. I kept finding myself intriqued and then thrown into a different movie over and over again. Yet, in the end, it had so much possibility, that its jumping around just ruined it totally and took the cheap way out.


The ending just didn't make much sense, nothing worse then spending an hour and a half watching a film, only to half it ruined with a bad ending.
btw , was this a comedy? I don't think I laughed once.


I certainly don't think it was the worst film I've ever seen, but being a huge fan of Terry Zwigoff's other work, I did find this incredibly disappointing.
I think the worst thing for me was how much I hated the protagonist. I know this is supposed to be a film about self-obsessed a-holes, but his own self-obsession was particularly grating. When he was about to kill himself, I was rooting for him to jump.

"Look at all the FREAKS!"


I haven't seen Ghost World, but from my experience in art school, it does a great job of parodying it. There are characters in the film that i just pointed my finger, and said 'i know someone JUST like you'

I thought the film was pretty good.



Wow, OPs two contenders for worst film ever are Cabin Fever and Art School Confidential? What, have you seen like 5 movies?

Last Film(s) Seen - The Proposition - 8.0/10 [IMDb: 7.5]


It was not the worst movie ever but one of my least favorites. I bought it used, turned around and sold it back and got all my money back at another store.

