This movie is

Probably one of the worst I have seen in quite some time. It had no direction, and a multitude of unnecessary scenes/focuses. It tried to stradle the line between a dark comedy and a teen college romp using characters that had no place in the storyline who are typically in slapstick movies, but failed hard. It was never funny, the acting was bad, and the characters were shotgunned into the storyline. If you think this is a good movie, you're probably an idiot. I just thought there needed to be a negative post here since it is such a terrible film.



I agree, thos movie was awful. For anyone who went to an actual art school you see gross interpretations of classroom arrogance as well as some of the worst acting around. Mostly by the kid who plays the main character. He looked so awkward smoking/drinking or doing anything that didn't involve him being a weird little emo the entire time. The guy who plays the undercover cop looks 30, and the only decent performances were by the girl (sorta), the emo kid's tall friend, and Malkovitch. If you thought this movie was great or inspiring at all, then you're no better than the kids in the classes.


It didn't have the greatest plot in the world and the depth of the main characters may have been comparable to Lake Erie but I did found it absolutely hilarious. I have never actually been to art school but I have dated a lot of artists and been to their class and showings and stuff and this film just hit dead on all the cliché characters that you find there from the crappy teachers triangles (that it took him 25 years to get to Ha-Ha) to the crappy self portrait that was basically scribbled shapes to the minimalist vibrant color giant five year old drawing that are acclaimed for being daring. So funny every step of the way, I loved all the characters it is like taking a mirror and holding it up to the student body of my little liberal arts college that I am at (minus all the Jocks, for some reason we have sports teams). Jerome the main character was even my roommate freshman year. Anyway as far as movies go it wasn't great and the love story was lacking but otherwise I loved it and am going to recommend it to all my friends. Hilarious.

P.S. I also love once they think Jerome is the murder everyone loves his work and once they know he's a cop everyone hates Jonah's.

Best Amazing Race Ever


I really enjoyed the first half of the movie. The interpretation of art school and all its offbeat characters was almost a little too real based on my past experiences as a student. But throughout the first half we have young, naive Jerome as a guide to explain all the weirdness. He's likeable enough and a character I felt like I could identify with. He wants to get the girl and work hard towards becoming a great artist.

While I understand that as the film progresses he becomes enbittered to the art world around him, the transition was too sudden and unbelievable. As the final class review I felt like we were watching a completely different character. Is he driven by desperation or is he just manic/depressive? By the time Audrey figures out that she's taken him for granted he's gone so far downhill that I was hoping she would walk away.
