This movie is

Probably one of the worst I have seen in quite some time. It had no direction, and a multitude of unnecessary scenes/focuses. It tried to stradle the line between a dark comedy and a teen college romp using characters that had no place in the storyline who are typically in slapstick movies, but failed hard. It was never funny, the acting was bad, and the characters were shotgunned into the storyline. If you think this is a good movie, you're probably an idiot. I just thought there needed to be a negative post here since it is such a terrible film.


i am with you 100 percent! such a waste of time..


Yeah, such a waste of time that you two came here to discuss it further. I know I shouldn't reply to people like you because you're such bitter individuals that you have nothing better to do than perpetuate negative experiences by reliving them on internet discussion forums when you could be, you know, doing something constructive or enjoyable, but you make me laugh so much that sometimes I can't resist.

"Reality is the new fiction they say, true is truer these days, truth is man-made"


Just watched it... well, some of it. had to turn it off. such a pretentious piece of crap. terrible script, bad acting, tacky as hell...

thought i'd have a look on here to see if anyone actually liked it at all... and to my surprise, i found very little negative opinions!


i dont care how bad you think a movie is, nobody can complain unless they watch the whole thing!!! i hate the "this movie was so bad i had to turn it off 20 mins through." shows what an ADD movie-fan-boy you are. lame! you were probably just waiting in anticipation so you could turn it off and write a nagative comment about it.

honestly this wasn't the best movie ever, but it was fun.

"some movie quote"


Yes it really is. I only saw it to see kate moennig and even she couldnt save this movie for me.


This was a niche film. If you had no exposure to art school culture odds are you aren't going to get it. It was basically one big inside joke. I am not an artist but going to college in NYC you had art schools all around and I used to work in one during grad school so I could see the point of the movie. Most other people are just going to have it go over their heads.





While I wouldn't agree with people who liked the movie being idiots, the rest of your comment was right on target.

Not a comedy, not a drama, not a ridiculous teen romp -- it failed miserably.


Yes of course, calling people who do not share in your condemnation of a movie, "idiots", tells us quite a bit about yourself.


Yeah, but could anabudy get a table dance?

Nothing is more beautiful than nothing.


this really is a bad film. it tries to satirize pompous, up-its-own-ass artiness, while at the same time becoming exactly what it sets out to mock. and i sincerely hope that the film's depiction of art school is inaccurate, because if it isn't, i really, really don't want to go to art school anymore.


i'm not even an art student & found it extremely un-pretentious. that seemed to be the point. like it went out of it's way to expose what could be pretentious in the art world. it was ok. i would prob watch it again.

serva me, serva bote


The movie was only good at stereotyping art classes, teachers, and students.

The rest of the movie really sucked gorilla booty.


I graduated from art school some 30 years ago. Apparently nothing has changed much. There were the same stereotypical characters back then too. . . the beatniks, hippies, prima donnas, ass-kissers, et al.
I can still remember my first nude model. My drawing hand was shaking as this gorgeous young lady disrobed in front of my class. This film brought back lots of memories and was right on target. I could have been Jerome. I was one of the better realistic artists but was often overshadowed by people who were there to "express themselves", at the expense of their bankrolling mommies and daddies.
I must be an idiot because I think the film is hilarious.
BTW, I was one of the 100 that actually made a career as an artist.



i dont understand why nobody likes this film, i thought it was really good


I'm currently enrolled in an MFA program. Having not obtained a BFA for my undergrad (instead I opted for the easy way out, a BS), I've found art school to go above and beyond the stereotypes addressed in this film. Anyhow, while I found the parody within this film to be amusing, the craft behind the actual filmmaking is garbage. I was extremely disappointed with the total lack of depth for every character other than Jerome and his love interest. It's 90+ minutes of pure cinematic vomit, but at least it stays true to it's subject matter.


i found this movie to be 100% right on the mark...

i have met every single one of those types of "artist"
