MovieChat Forums > Art School Confidential (2006) Discussion > a great movie - why has it gotten such p...

a great movie - why has it gotten such poor reviews?

After viewing Art School Confidential, I am as perplexed by the critical bashing it has received as I was by the near unanimous praise for such recent mediocrities as United 93, L'Enfant and Thank You For Smoking. According to, Art School Confidential has received 32% positive reviews (2% less than Scary Movie 4 !?!). It's all the more strange when you consider that the creators' previous effort, Ghost World, a film very similar in tone, style, and quality, was critically lauded. While some of the characters in ASC may be overdone (the film student and Broadbent's), it's a hilarious, truthful and even moving film. I'd have to see Ghost World again to determine which is better, but ASC is certainly right up there. I notice that much of the criticism has focused on ASC's supposed misanthropy, yet it seems that Thank You For Smoking was praised for the very same thing. Could it be because TYFS ridicules corporations, politicians and do-gooders, while ASC mocks artists and academia(whom critics identify with)?



Well, it's an easy A- from me. 8/10.

Probably in my top 100 all time... brilliant sense of humour, tremendously entertaining, never takes itself too seriously.


There had to be some sort of rage aimed against it. Normally when a movie disappoints (expecting another masterpiece like Ghost World), rather than give the usual mediocre rating, people tend to give it a really crap rating.

Art School Confidential is a much better film than a lot of films with this rating. Seems like a lot of critics lashed out and if not for the aforementioned reason, it could indeed have been that the movie hurt too much where it stung. Even though it could have been sharper.

ASC is not a true classic but a film worth watching, bearing a message worth bringing.
