Favorite movie quote's

hey just wonder what ppls favourite quote's are from the movie!!!
I Personally love "Nobody makes me bleed my own " -classic lol


I absoloutely loved 'Well isn't that convenient for you...AND THE CLOCK'


One of my favorites is "Donde esta la biblioteca, Pedro?" For one, the out-of-nowhere Spanish caught me off-guard, and Stiller's delivery was hilarious. Plus, it means, "Where is the library, Pedro?" which makes absolutely no sense. XD


you ready for the HURRICANE!!!

Youve already met my fitness consigliere MeeShell


Some of mine are.... sorry, I don't have all the wording correct, but I tried....

"Here at Globo Gym we're better than you, and we know it!"

(Justin raises his hand)
Patches: "Queerbag!!"
Justin: "What?.. oh, umm, shouldn't we learn by like dodging stuff first?"
Patches: "That's what this sack of wrenches is for...."
Justin: "What?"
(Patches throws a wrench at Justin, and Justin lays there in agony, lol)

Peter: "Oh hey White, I didn't think that Nazi camp let out until eight, did you decide to skip arts and crafts?"
White: "Yes I did."

Lance Armstrong: "Quit? You know, once I was thinking about quitting when I was diagnosed with brain, lung and testicular cancer, all at the same time. But with the love and support of my friends and family, I got back on the bike and I won the Tour de France five times in a row. But I'm sure you have a good reason to quit."

Patches: "I aint crazy and I aint a guy!!"

Cotton: "In 23 years of broadcasting I thought I'd seen it all folks, but it looks like Peter La'Fleur has actually blindfolded himself."
Pepper: "He will not be able to see very well, Cotton..."
(Cotton looks at Pepper and shakes his head)

White: "Cram it up your cramhole La'fleur!!"

White: "Yeah, that's me White. W-H-I-T...... E."

Gordon: "L for Love!!!"

White: *beep* Chuck Norris..."

Patches: "It's like watching a bunch of retards trying to hump a doorknob!!"

Cotton: "And the Average Joe's beat the German's in a *shocking* upset."
Pepper: "I feel *shocked*."

Peter: "You're adopted, your parents don't even love you!"

Cotton McKnight: "I'm being told that Average Joe's does not have enough players and will be forfeiting the championship match."
Pepper Brooks: "It's a bold strategy, Cotton. Let's see if it pays off for 'em."

White: "Suck failure, freaks!"

Cotton: "It looks like the clock is about to strike midnight on this Cinderella story, turning Average Joe's into the proverbial pumpkin."
Pepper: "I sure do like pumpkins, Cotton."

Pepper: "Effin A Cotton, effin A.."

Cotton: "Average Joe's has a tough job, facing the Lumberjacks. These woodsmen probably haven't even smelled a woman in eight months."
Pepper: "They must masturbate a lot Cotton."

Cotton: "We haven't seen Average Joe's yet. They haven't made it to the court. It could be a psychological ploy, or something worse."
Pepper: "They're definitely not on the court, Cotton. Their absence is noticeable."

Pepper: "Ouchtown. Population you bro!!!"

Pepper: "They better chiggity check themselves before they wreck themselves."


Had to comment on this one. It cracks me up. books-a-million has biblioteca t-shirt. !



White Goodman: [a hyper-obese White watches the commercial for Average Joe's before turning off the TV in disgust] Spare me... I won that tournament... *beep* Chuck Norris!

Prostitute: What the *beep* are you doing?
Johnny: I'm gonna kill a bunch of people.


Justin: "Gordon, where do you go when your wife changes the locks?"

Gordon: "Average Joe's"


Dwight: I hope he falls off the roller coaster and breaks every bone in his body.
Kate Veatch: Nice Dwight.
Dwight: Hey I'm just sayin' it happens. My cousin Ray-Ray, boop, dead

AJS .. RLS .. KS ♥


Cotton: "I've been to the Great Wall of China. I've seen the pyramids of Egypt. I've witnessed a grown man satisfy a camel"



"Come on, Kate. It's about time you put your mouth where our balls are."


There's so many!!

My favorites are:

White Goodman: [a hyper-obese White watches the commercial for Average Joe's before turning off the TV in disgust] Spare me... I won that tournament... *beep* Chuck Norris!

Patches O'Houlihan: Necessary? Is it necessary for me to drink my own urine?

Peter La Fleur: Look, White, I know that we've had our differences in the past...
White Goodman: Differences? Is that what you call sleeping with three of my female trainers?
Peter La Fleur: That was one night.
White Goodman: Or what about that strip-o-gram you sent me for the Globo Gym one year anniversary?
Peter La Fleur: The stripper was meant to be congratulatory.
White Goodman: It was also a man!

Steve the Pirate: Steve's gotta go drain the sea-monster.

Peter La Fleur: You had me at blood and semen.

And my 3 All Time Favorites:

Cotton McKnight: It's time to separate the wheat from the chaff, the men from the boys, the awkwardly feminine from the possibly Canadian.

Patches O'Houlihan: I've got some hookers in my room. What do you say we go celebrate? My treat.
Peter La Fleur: No, thanks I'll just stick with the scarf, but thank you.
Patches O'Houlihan: Suit yourself, queer.

Patches O'Houlihan: Tomorrow, we're gonna pecker-slap those Globo-Gym bastards!

I try to work these into conversation anytime I can.

I almost numchucked you, you don't even realize!



You ready for the.... hurricane?

YEAH! WOO! Bring it on, baby! Can't stop this!


Still love "meet my team - Blade.....Lazer......Blazer"

Help me, Clarence. Get me back. Get me back. I don't care what happens to me.


"I don't know how they can play in diapers, Cotton. I never could." - Jason Bateman as Pepper Brooks
