MovieChat Forums > Ne le dis à personne (2006) Discussion > So, um, we're supposed to believe they'r...

So, um, we're supposed to believe they're close in age?

Don't get me wrong. I enjoyed the heck out of the film.

I just got a kick out of the fact Alex has to be at least 15 years older than his wife, yet they're supposed to have grown up together.


Some of the posters here are missing the point. The problem here is NOT older leading man / younger leading lady.

The problem is that in this story they are supposed to be the same age or close in age, as they are shown in the flashbacks of them both as same-age children growing up together.

Those flashback scenes of the children should have been cut altogether if the movie wants them to be 15 years apart in age. (As opposed to in the book where they're the same age growing up together.)

Other than that, I liked the movie.


In that early scene where they are driving toward the lake, my first thought was that he was driving his daughter to college. Then at the lake I thought they were too affectionate for father and daughter, but I was wondering perhaps it was a French thing that I didn't understand (and hoping that the movie wasn't full of him copping feels!) Only when she took off all her clothes that I knew for sure that she wasn't his daughter, lol.

Yeah, all they had to do was take out that they were childhood sweethearts.


Haha... I thought the exact same thing. Then I'm like it's ok, older man, younger woman, it happens all the time. Then watching the flashbacks later when it's revealed they're supposed to be the same age it's like WTF. He looked 20 years older than her, I was surprised to look them up just now and it's only 15 years... but yeah they should have either cast a younger actor in the lead, or if they were set on their casting at least leave out the flashback scenes and make his character older than her than ask us to stretch our imaginations so we believe they're the same age.

I'm writing this signature in bold so people know it's a signature


It's perfectly easy for one 35 year old to look in their forties and another to look in their twenties, so I see no problem.


I love the film but the age difference between the leads got me too and is one of the reasons I gave it a 9 instead of a 10.


I bet we all know men who look ten years older than their age, and women who look ten years younger. Imagine that is the case here and all is good.


Yes, he's obviously older--but most of the scenes are shot in the present, and they are mostly not on screen together. So Alex *should* look much older than his remembered wife, given that he's eight years older and probably aged rather badly because of grief.

They could have applied some age makeup to her few current-time scenes, and/or made him up to look a little younger in the first seven minutes of the film that were set in the past. That would have helped.
