MovieChat Forums > Inglourious Basterds (2009) Discussion > Germans reactions to new WW2 movies

Germans reactions to new WW2 movies

Do they get tired of being portrayed as the ultimate evil? Or are they like the Confederates in the US civil war -just on the wrong side somewhat resigned to a bad rap but guilty enough to put up with it. Confederates certainly weren't as bad a Nazis and their death camps but if I was a German I would get sick of seeing movies decrying Germans as warmongers and worthy of ultimate hate.


Germans are off course aware of the history of their nation, and don't mind watching movies about it.


Well I am german and i can assure you that my feelings concerning movies like this dont differ from other people's based on my nationality. First of all me and most germans I know aren't very nationalistic or patriotic at all. And even if we were, we wouldn't identify with Nazi's or even germans from that time period. Simply because most living germans have little to nothing do with anything that happened in the Third Reich. We simply do happen to be born in the same place but a different time. Im a german as in Bundesrepublik Deutschland, for me that has nothing to do with Deutsches Reich at all. So no, me personally im not bothered by movies like this and I dont think most germans are. I hope that clarifies it a little for you. Good day.


And even if we were, we wouldn't identify with Nazi's or even germans from that time period. Simply because most living germans have little to nothing do with anything that happened in the Third Reich.
Like the Quandt family. One of your largest corporations is owned by, and most of your wealthiest billionaires are, Goebbels' step-kids.


Do they get tired of being portrayed as the ultimate evil? Or are they like the Confederates in the US civil war -just on the wrong side somewhat resigned to a bad rap but guilty enough to put up with it. Confederates certainly weren't as bad a Nazis and their death camps but if I was a German I would get sick of seeing movies decrying Germans as warmongers and worthy of ultimate hate.

No doubt. I'm getting tired of it and I'm not German. Same old, same old about the "Jew-Hating" Krauts. i'm sick of it..good post btw.


The way I see it, for modern Germans ww2 probably doesn't feature very highly on their radar, it ended over 70 years ago. For example, as a British person I don't get offended when people criticise my country for its bloody history of empire building. All that happened centuries before I was born. My family were Welsh farmers back then and didn't benefit from it at all.


They also need to make a movie about the Allies' terrible murders, starvation, rape, deportation, and slavery of the German people and their POWs that happened after the end of the war. A Woman in Berlin and Land of Mine doesn't even come close to some of the stuff the "altruistic" and "noble" Allied powers did to a surrendered nation. Oh, and the ethnic cleansing of Germans throughout Eastern Europe is another topic to include in this as well.



The Germans were great soldiers and we'rent evil at all. The Jewish run Hollywood likes to portray them that way to try and get revenge. The Jewish people in Germany did absolutely nothing to resist.,but they create stories like this movie to cheer about something.


They didn't resist because they were getting what they wanted. They were being shipped to Palestine and potentially Madagascar. They want their own land and Germany was sending them to one. Not a bad deal for the losers of the November Revolution who tried to turn the country communist.


This movies doesn't make people feel much guilty, after all there are:

- True political figures like Hitler and Gobbels, which people obviously don't identifiy with. Hitler gained power because he was actually a *beep* good leader and he solved Germany economic crisis, people thought his racial views would have never seen any effect. They were mistaken.

- Blonde colonel that gets beaten at the start: just a loyal soldier. You can't deem evil a soldier that doesn't want his friends to die.

- Second confessing soldier: he is just a soldier, a feared soldier. Remember that nazi doesn't mean evil, many people were forced to do what they did.

- Officier that *beep* up things in the basement: he was evil, a bit psychothic. A single person, not someone everyone identifies with.

- Hans Landa: just a guy that never gave a *beep* about nazis ideals, he just supported the winning side to get fame and fortune.

- Hammershmark: she was the only german civilian in the movie and she has good.

There aren't characters that could offend german people IMO.
