MovieChat Forums > Inglourious Basterds (2009) Discussion > Germans reactions to new WW2 movies

Germans reactions to new WW2 movies

Do they get tired of being portrayed as the ultimate evil? Or are they like the Confederates in the US civil war -just on the wrong side somewhat resigned to a bad rap but guilty enough to put up with it. Confederates certainly weren't as bad a Nazis and their death camps but if I was a German I would get sick of seeing movies decrying Germans as warmongers and worthy of ultimate hate.


Little known truth on the African slave trade is that jews owned a lot of plantations and slave ships. This is why reparations never focus on descendants of slaveowners.

"Aaron Lopez (1731-1782), born Duarte Lopez, was a Portuguese Jewish merchant. By the beginning of the American revolution, Lopez owned or controlled 30 vessels".

The 'Nassau' - Moses Levy
The 'Four Sisters' - Moses Levy
The 'Anne' & The 'Eliza' - Justus Bosch and John Abrams
The 'Prudent Betty' - Henry Cruger and Jacob Phoenix
The 'Hester' - Mordecai and David Gomez
The 'Elizabeth' - Mordecai and David Gomez
The 'Antigua' - Nathan Marston and Abram Lyell
The 'Betsy' - Wm. De. Woolf
The 'Expedition' - John and Jacob Roosevelt
The 'Charlotte' - Moses and Sam Levy and Jacob Franks
The 'Franks' - Moses and Sam Levy

"By 1730, Jews owned 115 plantations". - ("Jews & Judaism in the United States", 1983) - Rabbi Marc Lee Raphael
