Including of child sexual abuse, as also dealt with in this movie.
Granted, yes many do suffer, it does take a long time, there may even be those who may not totally recover from it etc and we don't deny its terrible and wrong in any case.
But can at least some of them recover? And also as a result live a normal and prosperous life?
And should or can that also be taken into account when dealing with a guilty culprit as in, the more the victim is affected, the longer the sentence etc. Cheers.
Of course they can and do. Most do in fact. I know a couple girls that were both molested by their father, although I don't know to what extent, and they are in good relationships and have good careers.
Should we, the good people, the nice, civilized and intelligent majority then, not always hate the perpetrators too much if the victims can recover even if we agree in general that they DO deserve punishment including legally of course?
But then again, we often hear how many don't recover or that, you know, we should all hate such perpetrators and whatnot, but who is RIGHT here? Thanks.
You don't forget, or necessarily accept what they've done, but sometimes people deserve a second chance.However, a lot can be said about nuance in these situations. An older man seducing a 14 year old is certainly fucked up, but that's different than an older man fucking a 2 year old to death, and that sick shit happens. Those people don't deserve to live.
In a nutshell overall, what I at times DID wonder, despite being thoroughly against it for over 90% in a pretty strong "no forgiveness" sort of way in such matters is, how should we, as civilized people, even in addition to law (but then, we also found out some VERY inconvenient and harsh facts here and EVEN, discovered outright DIFFERENCES to these matters as compared to that of OTHER forms of violence and wrongdoings, including of the ilk and type that is illegal or can be illegal in some or other ways in various parts of the (civilized, hopefully) world) treat and generally feel about de-facto guilty sex offenders INCLUDING child molesters as portrayed here or often those of adult varieties, with general correct thoughts but also, for instance, some exceptions (i.e. maybe some of them are less harmful than others, maybe some of them, however rare, happened accidentally (i.e. someone didn't stop in the middle of the act or a few seconds because the music was on and basically if it also is to do with how sex works in general in addition to sex laws and rules, as much as there are plenty of obvious harsh examples with offenders doing it intentionally, sadly), as in, must we really despise and hate them completely, and must they be seen as evil villains here or there or just offenders, depending on the level?
Plus, whether its films like "I Spit on Your Grave" or with a matter involving child victims, stuff like "Hard Candy" or "7 Days" or even other examples like "The Virgin Spring", which often had perpetrators escape legal punishment but met with vigilante justice, and practically all such culprits were male as well with ONE particular example often in vengeance here understood and cherished by loads of folks, who didn't even think it was EXCESSIVE much less, even if done to a bad guy, terribly wrong etc.
And as much as I honestly wish sexual crimes and offenses including a particular lettered word and its various varieties (but sadly in our real life, they happ
(happened loads of times throughout the whole human history, and still did and do in modern times, much as it massively dismays most of us especially victims of such deeds in most cases) never happened and would stop completely, and we all question if they can be eradicated somehow totally (even if in same fields, people don't always ask how we would eradicate murder for instance, or why we don't just eradicate ALL evil from humanity like that?), I sometimes can't help but wonder, how we can all find a correct mental balance to it all?
And sometimes people even question if certain example is or isn't "it" or how bad it is by comparison, which also suggests there is a thin line here but I wouldn't want to speculate too much on this, and basic rules I often do indeed know.
But its sometimes helpful to look at the whole picture and all examples and also know about the whys and whats or ifs and its or thats here for the safety of others and to preserve the moral good and status quo within ourselves too.