Controversial but much needed for an ignorant society
First off, I absolutely am against the abusing of children (sexual, physical, emotional, verbal) and in no way will justify the actions of any person who do such things. That being said, I am also not one of those ignorant people in society who believe that all child molesters should be KILLED or tortured in inhumane ways.
I'm always appalled to hear how normal, civilized, rational human beings all of a sudden become blood-thirsty, psychotic, neurotic, serial killers equal to Hitler when they hear about child molesters. They say things like, "They don't deserve a trial, just kill them on the spot, chop off their peckers, burn them alive in ovens," etc etc.
If you're going to react this way to child molesters, then you should react this way to every other criminal as well. Wife beaters, rapists, murderers, terrorists, animal abusers, etc. We should have this sort of vigilance against ALL crimes and not just reserve the worst for child molesters. But it's amazing how people react this way and then let off multi-billion dollar corporations, ceos, elitists, who run and head organizations that KILL millions around the world.
Are child molesters any worse than neglectful parents? Neglectful parents who leave a baby locked in a car and roasts in the sun for 2 hours? The ignorant society must be educated and understand that even child molesters are human beings and there is more than meets the eye behind the crime. As much as it pains some of you, they too deserve a fair trial, and process through the court of law/justic. You can't just scream and yell and accuse someone as worse than HITLER because he/she is a child molester. You don't know everything behind the story.
To me, this is no different from racial profiling. If you hear or see a black dude in your neighborhood, do you automatically assume and judge him as a gangbanger, drug dealer, no good low life criminal and should be shot and put down like animals? You people need to calm down and understand that child molesters are no worse than your neighborhood murderer, or even some con businessman who destroys families lives by stealing and scamming them out of all their money.
Again, not saying anything justifies child molestation, but this movie and many other cases out there are trying to show that there is MORE behind the story and person. You don't know how many of them might be struggling and dealing with the condition....society just assumes that they are pure evil and monsters with no ounce of humanity or a soul in them.
Lastly, the ignorant society should learn the difference between pedophila and child molesters. Child molesters are not always PEDOPHILES. And pedophiles are not always child molesters. The ignorant society does not know the difference and you don't know how many times we've all heard them use the terms synonymously as if they mean the same thing. They don't.
Child molesters can be anything from circumstantial crime, crime of opportunity, or even simply a random act were the victim happened to be a child (due to children's vulnerability and easily to overpower). It doesn't mean that the person is automatically a child molester and a pedophile.
I think this movie and hopefully more like it in the future will help shed light on breaking the ignorance of our societies about this horrendous crime and the people who commit them.
Great job by Bacon. Brave move by the filmmakers and studios to make and distribute this film.