MovieChat Forums > Constantine (2005) Discussion > Do people actually like this film?

Do people actually like this film?

It doesnt seem it.


I like it.


I liked it also. I also like the character Constantine.


Yup. It's kinda dumb fun. I like these sorts of supernatural thriller things, too. The look of the film is good, and as long as you can exorcise expectations based on source material, it's a decent action movie. Plus I love Peter Stormare's Satan.


I'm just asking cause it is a heavily depressing film on Christianity and most people tend not to talk about it.
There wasnt a sequel and it's one of the least talked about Keanu films.

I also loved Peter Stormare as Satan but rewatching it he wasnt the only likable actor or cast. The film did really well in casting a whole bunch of likable actors in the right cast. Though I think from all of them Peter was the best one.


I think it was a movie that came out, some people saw it, audiences generally liked it, but didn't love it. It's sorta "cult sleeper hit" in my personal memory. It's got a cool world, a neat atmosphere/vibe, and it's just different enough from standard-issue action fare to pique my interest a bit and be worth a re-watch.

Yeah, there were a lot of good members of the cast. Reeves doesn't do too badly creating an off-beat noir detective/exorcist, although I definitely see how he wasn't maybe the best choice. I'm always on-board with Rachel Weisz. Has she ever done a bad performance? Ditto Tilda Swinton. Heck, Shia Labeouf is pretty good here...


It made over 200 million at the box office, and is replayed on streaming or premium movie channels pretty routinely even fifteen years later. So, it definitely has its fans. I really liked it.


I like it. I don't love it passionately, but I like it!

It's not a great film, but it succeeds at what it set out to do, which is to make a supernatural Fantasy film that takes itself seriously but is still entertaining.


I like it.


Though not the best Constantine, Keanu does a good job as "American Constantine." I expected to hate it but ended up liking it. I'm a fan of the older runs of the comic. The series did a pretty good job with the material (except for the first episode).


Never read a single Constantine comic and I am not a terribly religious person, but I love the movie. Has high rewatchability value for me.
