Pure Trash!!!
This show is trash and is bad on all levels.
Read this and you will agree...
Least someone else out there thinks like I do.
This show is trash and is bad on all levels.
Read this and you will agree...
Least someone else out there thinks like I do.
Agreed. Do most Brits like this garbage? It seems most Brits hate the US Office, too...hey, I love Extras and The Office UK, but this show sucks!
shareunfortunately, most brits DO like this, yet fail to grasp the comedic genius that is Steve Carrell.
Also, these Little Britain fans should stop thinking that comedy from 'before last week' is sad to watch and watch some old comedy like Porridge or Rising Damp. These shows, whilst slightly racist, are never so un-PC to offend anyone, unlike Little Britain.
Also,i remember at one time it was taboo to make fun of disabled/handicapped people. People of today are SO ignorant that that rule has just disappeared, leaving kids free to laugh at some poor guy in a wheelchair. I saw some Chavs the other day steal an old mans walking stick. These kids were like 14-16, and the man was in his 70's, and they took it upon themselves to take his stick. And the icing on the cake? EACH kid (about 6-7 of them) had a Litle Britain T-Shirt on.
Programs like this make kids think it's ok to disrespect people and their property. Let me tell you Chavs something...
"Oh I'm Sorry, Did I Break Your Concentration?"
Well said, thanks for your input.
Don't like slavery? Don't own one!
Its excellent on all levels
As some other people have said...if you don't like it, don't watch it. Simple really isn't it not?
And about the whole "laughing at a man in a wheel chair"...the point of Andy is that he isn't disabled. He's just lazy and pretending to be in a wheel chair so Lou does everything for him. The joke isn't "oh hahaha that man can't walk", it's more the pantomimey joke of "look he's behind you!"
Although everyone is entitled to an opinion of course. (:
Read this and you will agree...
Er...like, Johann Who?
Overall, I really enjoy Little Britain, but there are some sketches that I don't find funny, like the woman who always coughs at the bank or travel agency. I do think Daffyd, the teacher who married a student, and Marjorie Dawes are hilarious.
shareLB haters, join me on my quest: that is to say, join my facebook group 'Comedy's Gone Wrong'. http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?cropsuccess&id=777932588#/grou p.php?gid=80526252080&ref=mf
The lion and the calf shall lie down together, but the calf won't get much sleep.share
Urrgh Victoria Wood accuses it of being mysogonistic? This coming from a woman who is about as funny as cancer! It's at this point where I lose any repect for the writer of this drivel! And any respect I might have had for Wood (which Isn't much) has gone down the toilet. And I like how the journalist who wrote this crap tries to twist it so it's homophobic and that Lucas is conflicted. The man was in a civil parnership for *beep* sake! Okay, it didn't last long but then again how many hetrosexuals relationships and marriges last?
I wouldn't call it trash, so much, but it's 50/50 for us (my wife and I). We watched the first 3 seasons and laughed at bits but some of the skits are worse the second time around. We love The IT Crowd and have watched those over and over again. But then again we liked Bean and the Bean TV series.