I thought it was a good movie. It's not the best film I've ever seen, but it had many special qualities to it. I think the key to appreciating this movie is in understanding its humor. Like people have said before, you can't force yourself to like a movie, or try to laugh at a movie you don't find funny. There's a whole lot of people who will never like anything about the film. But I guess what I'm saying is if there's anyone who wants to give this movie a second or third chance, I say make sure to not take the film so seriously, and try and laugh at what's going on. There's some great mind blowing ideas, but it's a movie and the filmmakers are not trying to compete with any of the major religions by converting people to their "I Heart Hukabees" cult. By realizing that the movie is constantly making fun of itself and it's crazy ideologies you can forget about the pretentiousness. The people in the movie are crazy, and crazy people are funny. Yeah sometimes they have great ideas, but mostly they are there for a good laugh.
"You can't deal with my infinite nature," she said.
"That is so not true. . . wait, what does that even mean?" he asked with a fake accent.
See that *beep* is funny, people are funny. . . we think we know what's going on but, nope, we're all just crazy.