MovieChat Forums > Hellraiser: Hellworld (2005) Discussion > Which of the straight-to-video ones are ...

Which of the straight-to-video ones are the best?

I saw the first three Hellraiser movies, and I want to try out two of the sequels that were released immediately on video. Which ones would be the best to watch?


Inferno is my favorite in the series after the original.

Danielle Harris
I've got a big dog with me, and he bites!


They're all pretty worthless, but most fans seem to like INFERNO.
I'm halfway through HELLWORLD and I actually kinda dig it more than DEADER and HELLSEEKER, or whatever it was. It has some scenes of intense eroticism and I like the whole "orgy party" thing.
I don't mean to impose, but I am the Ocean.




Deader and Hellworld.


All of the DTV sequels are pretty much crap. Really, any sequel past Hellbound is crap.

People like Inferno for some reason, but I can't imagine why. It may be better than 7, 8, and 9, but that isn't saying much. It definitely doesn't fit into the Hellraiser series or mythos at all. But as a standalone horror movie it's almost watchable.

Hellseeker is pretty bland and has very nearly the same plot as Inferno, but it has Ashley Laurence and a couple decent scenes which elevate it above garbage like Deader and Hellworld. It feels the slightest bit like an actual Hellraiser sequel. None of the others actually pull that off.


If I had to choose two, it would be 5 & 6....inferno & Hellseeker...not STRONG Hellraiser movies, but at least entertaining horror movies with a bit of a murder mystery/who-dunnit vibe and decent twist endings that definitely smell of Hellraiser!

After 6, they're pretty hit and miss for the most part...gonna do 9 (Revelations) shortly and expectations are on the floor...I mean come on...NO Doug Bradley as Pinhead?!?! Unforgivable!

Im gonna punch you in the cooter, I swear to God!
