I'd like to start by saying that I liked the character of Ghost. I thought Tatiana did a very nice job when it came to portraying this kind of character with her facial expressions and movements. Next I'd like to address the two most common Ghost complaints on this board followed by rebuttals as I see fit:
1. "She is ugly (due to braces and albino-like features) and what is up with those tacky cloths and nasty bleached-blond hair?" -First off I think the reason Ghost is given an awkward appearance is to set her up as a misfit even among other misfits at the clinic. Her gawky features make her the perfect target for the other girls which in turn draws Brigette out of her reclusive state to "rescue" Ghost from the torment of Beth Ann as she too has a history of being an outsider as seen in the first Ginger Snaps. This is the first step in the bond between the two girls which Ghost perverts at the end of the film. I believe the reason Ghost wears her brightly colored cloths and always hops around in a cheerful manner despite her bleak surroundings is to counter her against the moping pessimism and dark stylings of Brigette. The traits also keep us in constant suspicion of the character- something is not right here.
2. "That ending sucked," Generally followed by one or more of the following statements, "It was so unbelievable how could the basement doors hold Brigette," "There is no way Brigette would be subservient to Ghost as a wolf," and of course the countless, "Brigette should have ended up killing Ghost in the end, yeah, that would have made the movie a lot better." -From the responses it seems to me that people are uncomfortable with the fact that Brigette, the main character who has struggled with her infection all the way to the end, is duped by the one person she openned up to and trusted. Given all she has been through it seems that she should have the right to be the survivor or at least be given a dignified courtesy kill like her sister. Not the case here, she was being used the whole time and I like how that plays so well against the viewer's emotional well-being. And finally just because Ghost has illusions of grandeur about having a wolf pet doesn't mean it will work out, most likely the fantasy that most of you have played out about Ghost being slain will be closer to the truth. It is important to remember that Ghost lives in a fantasy world ruled by a fascination with comic books with little if any footing in reality. This may explain why she hardly ever seems upset. I mean who else would turn their one and only caretaker into a living barbeque and continue to merrily read them tales out of comics months later?
Like it or not Ghost was a necessary patch in the Ginger Snaps design and without her the movie would not have been nearly as tragic.
The ending wasn't TRAGIC it was STUPID. You know what makes a good tragedy? The PROTAGONIST falls due to their own CHARACTER FLAWS (such as hubris et cetera). How about B's horrors are realized and she loses control of herself, becomes her SISTER? How about B destroys herself mid transformation? How about having B actually develop a relationship with a character whom the audience can emphasize with and come to love, only to have that person ripped to SHREDS? How about B does anything BUT become Ghost's pet?
EXACTLY! I hated Tyler so much.... an *beep* through and through. I'm pretty worried that everyone is expressing their dislike for a messed-up ten-year-old girl, and not the 20-something 'helper' who exploits those under his care. Man, was I pleased to see him get ripped to shreds by the beast.
I though Ghost was a great character. I was torn between laughing at her naivete ("RETURN TO THE DARKNESS!" lol), annoyed at her antics, and genuinely pitying her. Come on, she's a misfit with severe issues.
I also don't see why people said she was in love with Tyler, then again I just saw it for the first time and don't remember all the details. I wouldn't put it past Tyler to abuse her, and mess her up even more.
I think the ending, as far-fetched as it is, was sheer genius. Sure it wasn't believable, but despite the hints dropped throughout the film, could you honestly say you saw that coming? I for sure didn't.
I have to say I didn't like the ending, only because I liked Brigette and thought she deserved better than that. I both hate and like Ghost, I hate her character's morality and deviousness, but I like her presence there because it offsets the whole 'who's the monster here?' issue. Mlbgbb's post further up the page is an excellent explanation/analysis of Ghost's character and of the ending. READ IT!
Also, like you all say, it ISN'T possible that Ghost could restrain Brigette. Locked down there she's probably starving and her mind might have degenerated into primal instincts like Ginger's, so what's to say that she wouldn't bust out sooner or later? Ghost is also psychotic. She's not just an imaginative child, she has NO concept of reality. She thinks she is a superheroine and that Brigette is her sidekick (like the drawing she did at the end). Sooner or later she will try to put some crazy plans of hers into motion, which may involve Brigette, and when she unlocks that cellar door Brigette will definitely try to kill her. Ghost can't predict this, like I said earlier, she has no concept of reality or the concept of consequences from her actions.
I thought she was great. A interesting new character for the film considering Ginger wasn't in this one much. I loved that drawing in the end and the quote although I can't remember it.
Ghost was a interesting character, she was like completely psycho and knew how to get what she wanted. Who would have saw her locking bridg in the cellar and feeding her granny to her. I mean that's just bad ass.
And its not a typically happy ending. The bad gal won sort of.
I felt bad for Ghost at first.Being the innocent girl,who knew too much.And I seriously thought everyone was against her.But,I didn't notice until the end that Bridget got "owned".Ghost is such a bitch.hitting Alice with the hammer was one thing,but the rest was just crazy.