I don't know what you guys think but I was convinced by this documentary that Michael is a very strange man indeed but he is good in every way - he has good heart and he really seems to love children. Everyone just expresses his/her love differently. I absolutely don't understand why they want to show him in a negative light all the time. Hope he will make his come-back one day soon...
i think it was a very good interview, Bashir didn't actually lie or say anything Michael was the one who said all those weirrrrrrrrd things. That rebuttal that came out really sucked and was very poorly made and relied on NO facts, just fluffy emotion from people who have no point! this was a really good interview and though it may be harsh, it's the truth. Michael may have the best intentions but stuff he does in neverland is wrong.
Look this interview really made me feel sorry for Michael Jackson. He basically sounds like a 45-year-old kid with a really *beep* up childhood. His father was beating him up with a belt ffs! I seriously doubt he molested any children, more likely he was just inviting kids to play with them, it was just an expression of friendship. Now would a 45-year-old man in his right mind dangle his baby off a balcony? Of course not, but a 13-year-old kid possibly would. Some people have got to realise Michael is mentally disturbed and to leave him alone.
That's why I was appalled by Martin Bashir's attempt to make an exploitative documentary and make a name for himself - and I started viewing Michael Jackson in a different light. I am a journalism student who above all values balance and objectivity in reporting. This is why I believe people like Bashir should have no place in journalism.
Michael Jackson may have been completely mental, but aren't we all? He was still really friendly and kind-hearted, and he had the best intentions, and I miss him. There's nothing wrong with acting like a kid the whole time.
After watching "Living With Michael Jackson", you should watch this:
It goes to show you all the negative and bogus stuff Martin Bashir said about Michael in his commentary contradicts everything he originally said. He left out certain things Michael had said when he(Bashir) was asking him (Michael) questions. And it doesn't explain many things. For example, the whole thing with the zoo in Berlin: Michael was told that the zoo would be closed just for him and the kids and it wasn't. Is that Michael's fault? No, it's not.
You know wut, i couldn't say it better myself. I watched the interview thinking, man this man has gotten weird and sickening, but then when i think about it, all the editing and cuts in the film are what are making Michael Jackson look bad. Martin Bashir seems like a man who's just trying to bring michael Jackson down into the dirt. But there are always going to be people like that. Because along with fame and success, there are always going to be those people trying to bring them down because it makes them feel better or because it's their job. I do agree that everyone has a different way of expressing themselves, and I think Michael Jackson's way is kind of odd, but hey everyone is their own person, am i not right?
i think Michael's seems i nice guy, there's nothing malicious about him, andhe's definetly not a paedophile! he may do things that seem strange to us but perhaps they are perfectly aceptable and "normal" to him, i dpn't belive in "normal" anyway, we are all individuals, oh and i think BASHIR manipulated the footage.
I really agry with u Siim.I can't underestand why they always want to disturb him.Press alway want to buy and print worst photos of him and ridicule him.but they're not successful at all.In spite of their plans his fans are more than any other artist and he with his 4ever works will remain in the heart of people.He's done many thing for the world by caring about children,animals,bringing together and creating love between people of all part of the world and all nations and races and I hope others join him and continue this path instead of destroying him.
Go and read the stuff on smokinggun.com and you won't think he's okay any longer. Plus, they found sexually-oriented love notes to the kid in his house. Nobody's framing him: I think the guy's an abusive pedophile who's been getting away with it for years because of his wealth and power.
jackson isnt a bad guy in any way, shape, or form. a man who builds an amusement park behind his house and invites kids who may not live much longer at least enjoy the last part of his or her life is a saint in my book. not to mention hes also the most successful solo (and american) artist the ever exist....
As long as you don't think child molesters who truly "love" their victims are ok, then sure, he's a great dude. As far as helping cancer patients, wheee! Does that erase the evil? The molesting? The rape of children?
I can't think of any other 'saints' (LOL) who molested children.
Please tell me your comments regarding his sainthood were meant as parody.
wow you are sad, can't really be very sarcastic well can you? I believe he is innocent and the whole trial is just a circus and a wat for money-grabbing pigs to get the share of the cut. It is all pathetic and it will all be brought forward soon enough that Mj is innocent and hwo pathetic these people are. I accept you have an opnion but I don't accept that you are judging someone before knowing any facts, you just go by what you hear, all the crap you hear bout him, not truthful facts. Anyway I don't think he touched any child or had anything to do with him romantically but he isn't bieng accused of RAPING children, so where the hell did that come from??? wow people are just making up even more stories now....sad sad sad world....
How exactly is it you believe that you have the "truthful facts" and legions of police officers, investigators and scientists don't? Do you honestly believe these people all got together and planned a conspiracy to frame Michael Jackson? I admit that the parents in these cases used obscenely poor judgment in allowing their kids to spend the night with ANY adult male, much less one who had allegations of child molestation against him in the past. But that does not mean that the allegations aren't true, or that the evidence is fabricated, or that Jackson is not guilty. Simply because you believe he's innocent doesn't make it so. And if you ask ANY expert in child molestation they will tell you that defining child molestation as rape does not mean that it had to involve penetration. It's the act of using power or coercion to control someone else and engage them in sex acts that makes it rape. So yes, whether he penetrated any of the kids or not, if he touched them inappropriately in any way, it was rape.
Michael Jackson is definitely weird. Martin Bashir's behavior is normal. Lying, deceiving, etc are all normal behavior that my parents told me I had to do if I wanted to be successful in life.
Could someone explain to me why a child molester would spend time with kids that have been told not only that they WILL die very soon but that they probably won't ever leave a hospital???
...I'm guessing it's not very easy to molest dying kids on life support!
"You can always count on Americans to do the right thing - after they've tried everything else."
I admit he said weird things sometimes, but I think he was pretty allright most of the time and there is a lot of worse people to hang aroumd, atleast Michael is always nice.
I totally agree that Michael is OK coz he really was a man who had a troubled childhood only he found it difficult to supress his childhood needs in adulthood..... where there's a human there's always a psychology behind it....