MovieChat Forums > Walking Tall (2004) Discussion > Worst movie I can remember

Worst movie I can remember

Now I know this is a Rock movie so one shouldn't go in expecting too much, but Walking Tall was just too much to take...
It's a war movie,
It's a small town America movie,
It's a cop movie,
It's a vigilane/revenge movie,
And worst of all it's a legal move. Honestly when the Rock stood up in court to defend himself I burst out laughing.

Utter tosh. Would prefer to watch all 17 Fast and Furious movies with my eyes propped open by matchsticks instead...


@Andrew-white-1.I just watched Walking Tall and although I didn't laugh at the court room scene.That was just one of the many scenes that made this movie awful in my opinion.I wasn't expecting Oscar nominated performances but the acting by the majority of the cast(especially The Rock and his love interest)was terrible.Apparently other people on IMDb think Walking Tall is a good/great movie.However I'm not one of those people.


"Walking Tall" is just like "Road House" - movies that are so ridiculously cheesy and over the top makes it a good thing!


Where the hell was a war in this movie? He came home from the war but there was no war. He was checking out his home town. He was pissed for the drugs and the prostitution and casino taking over the town. His son almost died from drugs from the security at the casino. Who would not be pissed?

I thought this movie was good. I am usually picky with action movies. The only thing that ruined it was Rock's friend look like a comedian from a comedy movie. He just looked funny altogether. People just say hate towards movies but never have a valid reasoning of why the hate it.

Too many like that on this site.

I am a gore watching freak!!!

If it don't have it, it isn't worth the watch.


The boy in question is his nephew not son


I saw this film a while ago but didn't know what it was called. It was good if I remember correctly, I'm glad I know what it was called now so I can revisit this movie one day.
That Knoxville guy I remember so it must be this one after much resrearch


You could say all those things (less the courtroom scene) about First Blood, which is quite a good movie.
