This movie is crap!

I heard great things about this movie/miniseries and so picked it up. Unfortunately, I can't get past the first hour because I think it is so wretchedly boring that I can't bring myself to even imagine watching another five hours of it. Tell me please: what am I missing and why should I watch the rest of it?!!

Seriously, I'd like to know because I'm intrigued as to why so many people recommend I see this film!


I suggest this answer to your question:

If people are in the habit of pursuing nothing of artistic worth, but instead merely spend their lives blandly watching projections of themselves on television, most likely they will then assume that more of the same becomes art when it is both subtitled and filmed with slightly better technique.

But its not. Its still dreck, or "crap" if you prefer. Only glossier.

Does that help?


Good answer!


This movie is a masterpiece. It's about personal relationships/humanity. Someone who is hooked on Hollywood special effects, violence, and gratuitous sex may find it boring, yes.

"Females under 18" should NOT be allowed to vote on IMDB !


Hey Remnant_Of_The_Abyss
'"Females under 18" should NOT be allowed to vote on IMDB !'
WTF is that supposed to be saying?
Not much good if your point isn't clear. You may as well write 'I drink coffee' as your sig, unless you'd care to explain such a strange comment?!



I'm glad you asked...

... but it should be obvious. Females under 18 always seem to rate masterpieces with a ridiculously low score. The average score ALWAYS comes out MUCH LOWER than the total score, and also lags way behind any other demographic.

For instance, this masterpiece is rated 4.1 avg. by 'females under 18'. This movie is rated at 8.3 right now. This is also the same film that's received 20 wins and 14 nominations.

See the point? What's worse however, is that this is the trend all throughout IMDb for this demographic. But don't worry, if YOU are a female under 18 and are therefore screwed up in the head like the rest of the hormonally imbalanced youths, some day you'll grow up and learn to appreciate the finer things in life. Until then, please refrain from voting on movies on IMDb. Thanks!

ROTA Quintessential Foreign Language Films List:


And I thought I had problems...



Half knowledge is by far worse than complete lack of knowledge.

Sorry, but you just can't really call a masterpiece of its magnitude "crap" simply by watching barely 1 hour out of a 6 hour epic journey.

If you are 15 years old and still dont have great success in life doesnt mean that the years to come will still be "crap". Make your judgements when you have a complete opinion on matters.

Highly recommended from me to everybody.


I began watching it when i had a one hour break between office time. right now i am in my office and cant wait to finish the other three parts; i am so taken by it. its just amazing..simply amazing. just hope to get over with the office.


yes i am done with the movie and it was great experience. would love to see some more like it.

**First we form a Priori and then with Logic we defend it.**


The answer is NO, you're not missing anything. This movie stinks!


"The answer is NO, you're not missing anything. This movie stinks!"

Well, you and the guy that started this ridiculous post are in an EXTREMELY SMALL minority of people who didn't like it. The majority of the people who have seen "The Best of Youth" (including myself) are in love with it. It's one of few films that I've seen that is well deserving of all of it's positive feedback. The direction, writing, acting, cinematography, and editing are the best that I have seen in a movie in a long time.

Unless you have evidence to back up why the film "stinks" we're not convinced.


i'm provocated by the title. WHY YOU AND PEOPLE IMBECILES LIKE YOU!!!
