Over 10 million were killed during the Holocaust - how do I know...read
I've been reading threads here and there on boards dedicated to movies about the Holocaust. On those threads there seems to be a big heated debate about how 6 million Jews couldn't have been the real number, and seeing how they think that, how could there be an 11 million count when we get right down to the actual total death toll. I'll tell you how, and this knowledge came from getting off this site to educate myself, which is something many seem to lack: The education of one'sself.
To begin, the source that says that the Holocaust begun with the systematic extermination of the Jews from 1942 to 1945 is erroneous. The Holocaust did not start in the gas chambers but in 1933 when Hitler came into power. The government had decided that to make the aryan race the strongest they made it law that sterilization was required. The handicapped as well as mentally ill and mentally challenged individuals were treated to vascectomies. The real plan behind this wasn't to necessarily sterilize but to murder for many going through this operation had suffered complications, killing them.
In 1939 the 1st gas chamber was used. So, from then on up until 1945 there were chambers being used, not just from '42 to '45.
Now considering these chambers, others on these boards claimed that after each usage there must be a period of time to let the gasses drift away, meaning there couldn't be as many put to death as there is said because those gasses take a long time to clear. That isn't correct because I'm sure that they used gas masks to clean up the bodies and paint the chambers a nice color before the next. I believe 3000 were killed each time. It would take anywhere from 15 minutes to, I assume, 30 minutes to get one chamber used to its completion - remember, there were a lot of workers there to help out. Take into mind that there wasn't just one gas chamber in a camp, either. So, from 1942, when the chambers were worked over time, there was enough going through there for a Holocaust to be as high as 10 million by the end.
And there were also trucks used; a hose from the tail pipe to the inside of the back was used, too. As was taking them out to burial sites to shoot.
The thing is, I believe that the Holocaust claimed lives before Hitler came into power, hence those who were full of hatred had probably ganged up with friends...
Point is: Everyone that comes on these sites claiming there to be no documents found containing the historical facts are being lazy. You only need to type in various words on the internet to find these facts. Heck, I was halfway lazy myself; I asked a friend about this because I knew she wouldn't be against working to help me find these accesable sources. I was more put off because this kind of thing gets to me. But I needed to do something considering what I've read here about the doubts.
And this goes as implication to all of those whom have read an opinionated post regarding their theory of "why 6 million couldn't be the correct number": Nazis were lazy too. Got off your high horse and get the facts. Quit ranting about what you feel is correct because others have said it. Find it for yourselves. And no, I will not give the net pages that account for my knowledge, because I did not ask my friend. If anyone were to ask that I would consider this initial post a failure. Education isn't only found within schools.