MovieChat Forums > Un long dimanche de fiançailles (2005) Discussion > U !!!! What's wrong with the french rati...

U !!!! What's wrong with the french rating system?

I mean, look at the rating of the movie, it U!!!
And that means G here in America...
The movie has a couple of sex scenes and a couple of nude bare butts.
Not to forget the violence!!!
I believe no one less than 14, 15 or somethin' should ever watch this movie!
What do you think?



I agree with, Juan_Esteban. I simply don't understand. You can watch those rap videos and there are girls skimpily dressed dancing around and it is accepted, playing on day television for kids to watch when they get home from school. But then sex involved in a LOVE scene, shown for the emotional value, is wrong? Very hypocritical.

KStew Mafia #8
Kbitch #11


I really like this topic because we all come from different countries and it's a funny the way we all see things differently. I dont think there's a difference between France and the rest of the world, I think in europe in general sex and nudity are very well accepted and understood, I mean it doesnt annoy us :)

When I saw your thread my first thought was "but where is the nudity and violence in that movie??". I think kids should be able to watch this type of violence because it really happened, it's part of their history and they should know that people suffered for their freedom. Obviously not at a very young age but after 8/10 years old I think it should be fine for them.

And nudity, I mean, it's part of our life, isnt it? Id rather know my kids are watching this type of nudity (2 people making love) rather than porn, because at least in this type of movies women are respected and the body is shown as something beautiful and natural.

I dont understand how in the US you can be surprised by our rating when you can buy guns so easily over there, you've got the biggest porn industry in the world, you've got sluts like Paris Hilton and Lindsay Lohan on TV all the time, I mean in my point of view the US are more shocking than us...


The only reason I would not give this movie a "U" is the violence. The scene with the mirror, the scene where the guy explodes in Manech's face and he is covered in gore, and Tina Lombardi's beheading are all things that would have given me nightmares when I was a child. Yes, they really happened and people need to deal with that, but I would be wary of showing this movie to children just because the violence is so disturbing and graphic. I would not (personally) recommend it for anyone under 14.

On the other hand, I'm all for doing away with rating systems altogether - if you're a parent and you're concerned, you need to see the movie first yourself to decide whether you want to show it to your kids. Otherwise, let people watch the movies they want to watch. Rating systems are harmful to the film industry (at least in Hollywood) because directors will change their films to fit within a certain rating - which I think is just ridiculous. Doing away with the MPAA would allow filmmakers to be more concerned with art than business, and hopefully it would eliminate some of the dreck that passes for films these days.


Because the French and the Europeans at large don't over-react when they see a naked butt, and a nice one at that.

As for the violence? Well, tis a war movie, what do you expect, that they throw roses at each other or decide on the taking of a hill in a game of card?

Finally about the sex scene: Jodie Foster taking it in two positions (you have to command her as an actress as she is a lesbian in real life), well that's one less thing you need to teach your kids.

All you have to add is "see, that's what mommy and daddy do when they lock the door and that's how we made you, you know..."
