I'd say that MOST white Americans feel that way. Political correctness is out of control here though in the States. ALWAYS remember this: WHATEVER is going on in a nation is going on because the majority of its inhabitants are ALLOWING it to go on. For example, what do you think would happen if police officers started shooting unarmed white males with the same frequency as they've been murdering Black males? Do you think that the society would allow it? Let's be truthful and stop all of the lying. When a Black man is murdered for WHATEVER reason, whites have been programmed to feel SAFER. How were they programmed? By viewing racist, white supremacist-themed movies and television, and by reading the same type of printed media. When you put your eyes to the media and absorb its overt and covert white supremacist messages, they go STRAIGHT to your subconscious mind and it doesn't attempt to rationalize or make sense of what it's absorbed. ALL data is simply perceived as REALITY and stored. So when you have been secretly manipulated into watching images of Black men being portrayed as criminals, deadbeat fathers, womanizers, and other characters that destroy a community, you'll believe that's what they REALLY are. Likewise, Black males are being subconsciously told that this is what they REALLY are, and those with weak minds will play out the part that they have been given subconsciously. All of this is a Satanic operation started at the top by the mostly Jewish oligarchs. And because they have almost total control of the media, if a person(Farrakhan, for example) or an organization calls them out on their devilment, they simply use their power of the media to attack the accuser by calling them anti-Semitic and digging up dirt on them to discredit their statements. Even my white friends are even fully aware of how often Blacks(especially males) are killed in movies and tv shows often without even having any significant role or screen time in the production. We all joke that the Jewish writers have conversations like, "If we make the "bad guy" Black, then the white "good guy" will look even more bad-ass because defeating a white guy just isn't that difficult or memorable!" and "The Coen Brothers killed a Black guy in the first 4 minutes of one of their movies. We're gonna beat their time and show them how it's done! Mazel tov!!".
I prefer watching movies by non-sellout Blacks like Spike Lee, OR movies made by whites that DON'T have any Blacks in them. That way, I get to watch whites killing each other instead of killing POC. History tells us that they've GOT to kill SOMEBODY, and since they started out on each other in Europe, it just brings it around full circle!!