Anyone else miss the show?

I do! I hate Hannah Montana and Wizards. They just aren't of the same quality as this show. There needs to be a movie to tie up all the loose ends of the show and to satisfy fans.


I miss it! I would't mind a dvd set of the series!! Get to it Disney!!!


Still waiting for my Series DVD Disney!


It seems silly they haven't released DVD sets for Phil of The Future, as well as other Disney series from that time. I assume the ones they have put out failed to garner enough popularity/revenue to Disney's liking. I believe that's why Lizzie McGuire only had one box set released. I know I'd buy it if they were to ever release one, but I think many have grown up and moved on to other things so Disney no longer see's it as a profitable brand they can make $$$ of of. They would have been better off releasing a set back when the show was taken off the air. However, if they were to air reruns then who knows, maybe the show would become a hot commodity once again amongst today's youth and a DVD set release would seem more likely and profitable.


Hell yeah. Phil of the Future was one of the best Disney shows. In fact, I think it was the last good Disney original series. I sure miss those days. Disney is crap now; it's like they just don't care anymore. The whole channel is literally unwatchable now.

I remember the day this show premiered. I was 14 (WOW, can't believe it's been that long...) and was excited as hell to see it, as it had been being hyped up for months prior to its premier. I wasn't disappointed. Great show!

Sig under construction


I do believe Phil of the Future was one of the better shows of its era particular era...

...I'm also waiting for my Aaron Stone series set......thought that was a decent show of the current era Disney/XD shows

I'd be happy to see either of those get a release......I don't count the Phil release with a few episodes I'm talking series set or season's/volumes
