Matrix rip-off!!

Almost everything about this movie, except the plot, is a complete and total rip-off from The Matrix. First off, the whole dodging bullets thing, and him saying "I can see the bullets." Then, the main character wearing the exact same clothes as Neo. And finally, the shot near the end of the movie which is a birds-eye-view of a body laying on the ground and the rain is coming straight down. It felt like every other thing I was watching came directly from The Matrix.



the thing is that nothing in media is truely original because we are alway influnced by somthing even ourselfs are a changes by who we meet. everything does book take form other books, read a fantasy before the "lord or the rings" and you will se what i'm taking about. movies my seem to take from other movies because if u sit down and think about it everything has been done. there are movies that are true rip-offs like the pile of crap "equilibrium" who on the case said that if you like the matrix that you love this pile of crap. and to final came back to the original post how can a movie truly rip-off anther with out being anything like it, Miyamoto is by no way Neo and the story is nothing like the matrix. just please sit down and think what is truly original. ok i done ranting.


Your pathetic ignorant fool. Watch more Japanese animations and movies and get enlightened.


Enough people have mentioned most things, but from the Animatrix on, briefly...
Humans create robots too strong and smart, robots say "f this" and take over humanity. Thats so generic I could kill myself, the concept has been around since before robots were even concieved by my mainstream society (i forget the book, but it's from the 1920's, read it in english class, presented as a "2 in 1" with Huxley's "Brave New World", if anyone knows). Then they keep humans alive in an alternate reality because the robots live of their lifeforce or something like that (i forget exactly, thats not important tho). Then comes the biggie, the main concept of the plot: this alternate reality happens to be a big networked computer program. Not only a complete "rip off" of Gibson, Shadowrun, and an unending list of 70s to early 90s cyberpunk novels/comics/RPGs/videogames/et cetera. As an effect, this matrix system opens up an easy excuse for some random joe schmoe "this-character-represents-our-targeted-crowd" to learn excessive time-space continuum manipulation abilities, and the twist that he's as powerless as you and me in the dangerous "real world". Then something really original happens. He becomes a chosen one, and then some obscure biblical ties (may I mention that chosen ones and biblical ties are the most thrown around plot thickeners and twisters since the dawn of storytelling) arise for observant viewer, and joe schmoe makes peace between man and machine. Honestly, when broken down, the general flow of plot seems pretty much like generic sci-fi presented as an anime, with the structre of a kung-fu movie. Its just directed and edited well, and was extremely hyped. Don't get me wrong, despite its annoyingly ignorant fanbase, I enjoyed the Matrix trilogy, but I actually thought that Returner was a much better movie in so many ways.


I've been wearing Trenchcoats for over 10 years...goddamn the Matrix for ripping me off!!!


Ok i don't want to waste my time to write this again but sadly i just did, so i'll just copy paste what i wrote in another thread:

''nuttyspam'' you are an idiot, i love ''The Matrix'' and also i'm a fan of it but... i DO agree that ''The Matrix'' has some ripoff from other's movies or animes too, don't get me wrong i do defend The Matrix and it's actually my #1 favorite movie but it DOES have some ripoff too, so stop posting some sh!t about other's movies. And i found ''Returner'' to be very cool too.


I think that the Matrix was all in all a good movie. It wasn’t 100% original but it did bring a few things into modern action films. Of course John Woo was the king of action shooters and made slow motion one of the coolest parts of the action genre. As for bullet time I can remember seeing bullet camera tricks in stupid movies like Sniper and The Defender.
However, the Matrix did incorporate a lot of these techniques into main stream. Hell there were cool gunfights in Hard Target but no one ever talks about that movie. It gave all the moviegoers who are too ignorant to see action movies other than Hollywood blockbusters. Now all these stupid people can rag on old John Woo movies because they don’t show CGI nor have wirework.
Long Live John Woo

"You Know you're really just full of S**t. There's the John. OK!


The movie was okay and had good acting and action sequences,but this is so totally diffrent from the matrix. The wierd thing is that in the movie, it had a few parts where they actually spoke english. So on the dvd, it says english version, so if you played it on the japanese track it still briefly spoke english.


Wasn't Bullet-Time or something like it in Wing Commander and I think that came out in 97


Yes, it's a rip-off.
It's a very, very good rip-off.

There is no Emoticon for what I am feeling..!


You can not rip off The Matrix because The Matrix HAS NOTHING TO STEAL!


Matrix wasnt even the first US movie to have bullet-time ... anyone seen Blade? The scene where Snipes and Dorff are in the park and Snipes unloads like 3 rounds at Dorff - iiinnnn sslllloooowwwww mmmooootttiiioooonnnnn

Ah christ. I'll bet some of these guys are all of 14 years old. Cant blame them in that case.

Coats. Ha. Shaft and the other blaxploitation movies made long coats popular - not the Matrix.


I remember where a photographer was experimenting with something similar to bullet-time etc. and I think that was in the 70's or 80's. and before that I think other's have done it as well.

Also the Matrix isn't really an original story. Exposure (a scifi short showcase) had an animated movie that was sort of like the Matrix (the show mentioned there was a novel written in the early 1900's)that had a theme very much like the Matrix. Then there was the strange movie with Michael Pare and that was way before the Matrix. And of course cybervengence (we won't go there)

A lot of people need to start watching b-movies. Some of hokey, but you will be surpised at the stories. That's also what filmmakers watch to be inspired to make something better etc.

Take for instance The Island when I heard the story I automatically thought it was a remake of a movie of the same theme (which was shown on Mystery Science 3000)

Sometimes you just end up coming up with stories that are similar because we are human and have similar ideas, aspirations, feelings, and experiences,


Hi, I know I'm almost a decade late to the party (what with this being 2013 and all) ;-) but I just wanted to point out that... slow motion time gizmo on an arm strap? bullets flying through the air? Seen it already, and a LONG time before The Matrix. Try the first "Trancers" movie.
The rain coming down? I swear "Ghost In The Shell" (original movie) was made in monsoon season due to the amount of rain. Falling straight down in numerous cases. Must have been fun animating THAT by hand. I think there's a similar scene in "Armitage III" as well. Both predate "The Matrix".
Clothing? What bad-ass character doesn't want to wear a leather trenchcoat, huh? Okay, maybe not the ones that prefer to kill dressed in a tux, but for the rest...

So, you were saying?


