MovieChat Forums > Mou gaan dou (2002) Discussion > Why do you rate this movie with 1?

Why do you rate this movie with 1?

Could someone who had voted a 1 to this movie kindly explain me his or her reasons? And tell me what is his or her vote for "The Departed"?

Thank you very much!


Coz they are dull and have rubbish in brains. That's so simple.
I've never rated a movie below 3. 1 means something...2 hard to explain but ppl shouldn't rate any movie at 1, IMAO.


Not to be a misogynist but I *beep* hate women.


I earlier thought that it was all the pre/teen girls who voted poorly for this movie and smited them... SMITED THEM ALLLLL

But then I realized it's probably people exploiting the fact that that voting group is the most vulnerable of them all to have each rating matter more. So it's probably just a bunch of people with fake accounts with too much time on their hands.


i'm assuming it was a reactionary movement to all the people who'd vote the departed one star just for being a remake of this film. most illiterates don't use the internet all that much, preteens aside.


You know, I just always figured that random people were paid to constantly rate movies as bad or good in places like IMDB in order to promote movies.

If some guy sees that a movie is rated badly, then they will not watch it or they'll jump on the band wagon and say it's crap just so they don't look stupid.
If a movie is rated good, they'll see it and say that it's a great movie even if they have no idea why it's a good movie or didn't fully understand it.

It's like that children's story "The Emperors New Clothes". Remember that story where two "tailors" are hired to make clothes for the Emperor and they claim that if you're an idiot then you will not be able to see the "clothes" that they've made. Then everyone pretends to see the Emperor's clothes because they don't want to look stupid, until some kid comes up and bluntly says, "the guy's naked you retards".

These people exist. Trust me, I know someone like this. They have no opinion of their own. They just watch movies with good ratings and good actors. Zzzzz.

So perhaps people are paid to manipulate movie ratings. People are probably paid to write crap/good comments in certain movies too.
I can't tell you how many times I've seen a mediocre movie receive the exaggerated "Worst Movie Ever" comment before or "horrible acting" comment. People who write those are so obviously biased and probably paid.


Let me ask you one question: If you don't like IMDB rating system, why do you bother coming here in the first place?

You got your point of view on a particular movie, so do other people. So if you can't learn to respect that, we shouldn't have this conversation.

I didn't enjoy Infernal Affairs to say the least. maybe it's non-English speaking movie. thus, the dialogues suck in my opinion. It would be a 3/10 if not for good original plot. I rated it 5/10.

Meanwhile, the Departed has done everything right: from every dialogue to character developments; from music to cinematography; from directing to acting. Its plot makes more sense than I.A.'s does. It deserved the Best Pictures. I rated it a solid 9/10.



Watching the movie without English subtitles and not understanding Cantonese.LOL


Not to mention a lot of great movies getting a score of 1/10, what is with the collective group of voters who make up the Top 1000 voters demographic?

One would think this demographic has seen the most movies so would be able to give a fair rating of how a movie compares to others. But if you notice their voting pattern a large percentage of the Top 1000 voters give most top movies a 1/10 rating,

Infernal Affairs - 6% of Top 1000 gave 1/10
Shawshank - 4.5%
The Good, the Bad and the Ugly - 3.1%
Seven Samurai - 5.3%

This just proves that there are a whole bunch of trolls going around giving every movie they come across a 1/10 rating, just to corrupt the IMBd rating system.



I wouldn't rate this movie a 1, but I could see why people would do so to balance out the rather loaded score for this movie, when so many better ones are not in the top 250.

I would probably rate this a 6 or 7/10 myself, because the story was really good, but I thought the direction and editing left quite a bit to be desired. Those flashbacks were really painful!

Limit of the Willing Suspension of Disbelief: directly proportional to its awesomeness.


oh god !
The Departed is 42.
Infernal Affairs is 242.
look at the India film in imdb top 250.
i'm desperate for imdb!!!!
i'm desperate for the world!!!!!!!!
