WHY did they make this movie?

this was like THE most boring movie i have ever seen. it wasn't vaguely interesting or amusing at all. why did they make it? WHY?



I really don't know art (paintings) that well. I like movies though, so I gave this a go. I think I fell in love with this movie at once. Almost every scene seemed to fit in a frame of art work. Not only that, the subtext in the actor's movements and expressions was pretty amazing. It's very hard to pull it off and there are a lot of actors out there that can't do it.
I think interpretation, or even the identification, of subtext in movies separate people who like these kind of movies from those who find it boring. Some people just don't see it, and I feel really bad for them because those unspoken scenes are really powerful.



Although I did like this movie, I have to agree with you and some other posters here. People should stop acting so childish when it comes to taste in movies.

On the other hand, the OP also stated his/her dislike in a very silly way ("this movie was...like...so boring dude")so such reactions were to be expected.
I mean, what did the OP expect ? An action movie ?



To the OP:

One could ask why 'they' made any movie that was boring to someone. I personally hate the Lord of the Rings movies, but I understand they were made - to entertain. They won't entertain everyone, just like any other movie, but someone thought Girl with a Pearl Earring's story was good enough for a film and it turned out to be beautifully filmed and beautifully acted.

Am I putting down the Lord of the Rings - or any other movie(s) that I thought were boring? No. What you said isn't what is offending people that like the movie. The problem is HOW you said it.


They filmed it because it was an interesting story that most people would find something in, whether it be acting, or the story, or the art direction.

I personally hate Matrix and yet I watch for the special effects alone.


For the light.

If you don't like watching light, and colors of light, and subtle shades constantly shifting, you won't like the movie. If you are totally uninterested in how painters produce art, you probably won't like the movie.

If you like light and/or paint, you'll probably love it, as I did.



A few years ago I played the DVD and, towards the latter part, did some fast forwarding.

If you *really* spend time with Vermeer's paintings (do what you can to stand before the origial canvases): you may just begin to understand that this movie is the antithesis of the real Vermeer.

The glacially still perfection of the image is an illusory front in the paintings.

(In the film, that's all there is, tacked on to a clichéd story.)

Vermeer 'explodes' vision with the same passionate purposefullness that great scientists of his age were discovering the universe--cosmic and microscopic.
Colour and light are analyzed no less astutely than by the impressionists.


I generally love movies made on historical backdrops. But I felt something wrong with "Girl with a pearl earring" from the beginning. Some art loving viewers have mentioned that people who do not have an interest in art may feel this film boring (due to their ignorance?) I do not like to accept that point.
If you're a good filmmaker you can't make films targeting a certain category of people. I guess it is a talent of a good filmmaker to make a person interested in a subject that he/she previously unfamiliar with. I would like to take "Perfume; the story of a murderer" as an example. Like this movie,"Perfume" is also based on a book, almost similar backdrop (18th century Europe) and on a subject that we're not much familiar with (making of perfumes) However, "Perfume" manages excellently to keep the audience attracted to the movie from very first scene to the end.(even though it is a rather lengthy movie)
I guess the main mistake is poor adaptation of the story from the book to the movie. It is generally accepted that when you're making a movie from a book you have to do some adjustments since they are two different media. For example, see Gye Richie's "Sherlock Holmes". Even though "Sherlock Holmes" novels are legends, if Richie had made a Sherlock Holmes exactly as depicted in the book, it would have never been a successful movie.



why do the worse people come here and make fools of themselves and the movies? Well you are wrong. From the moment i watched this and still do which is probably my ninth time watching it.. it still amazes me. I really dont get into any art but this one was really interesting. It had its slow moments but you had to get into it.. you know watch it and pay attention to it. Its a movie where you have to pay attention or else you wont be able to follow it. For the reasons i like this movie are the following.

one.... was very different than others i have seen that year.. or the years to come.. which made me happy :)

Two.. it made you think.. people dont like watching a thinking movie so they think its boring. Well these type of movies kinda entrap you to watch it from beginning to end..

Three.. a really good historical fiction made :) which some of us are into it. Wasn't boring as some of the historical fictions are. :)

Anyways as i rant about this. Maybe you should rewatch it and maybe learn something instead of being a troll and trying to hate on the movie which i see most of the people do..which is stupid.


There are a lot of people who, if not completely engaged within the first few minutes of a movie, will not give it a chance. My boyfriend is that way. I don't know how many times he has said "if this doesn't speed up in the next 5 minutes I'm going to bed". He has missed a lot of good movies due to this attitude. There are also many people who will talk or otherwise engage in other things while watching a movie and miss important things and dialog and wonder why anyone else liked that "boring movie". Not all of us are able to sit still and give our complete attention to just one thing. These are the people who don't like movies like this. I love this movie. My boyfriend couldn't get past the first scene. While I was thinking about how different the colors and textures of the vegetables in the film were from the veggies we use today, he was waiting for some dialog or action to take place. Then again, he can give his complete attention to a Vin Diesel movie, while I'd rather be washing dishes. We are all different and enjoy different things. I see no reason to insult each other over taste.


I'm guessing you didn't like it because it didn't have:
(a)overly sexed up females/males
(b)gratuitous sex scenes
(c)vampires, witches, werewolves, etc
(d)gratuitous action scenes
(e)jokes and stupid actions

I'm glad they made this movie. So many movies today have too many of the things listed above and no good plots.


How can you not be entertained by looking at Scarlet Johansson's face for a couple of hours.


Because the book was a best-seller and a success. Of course they wanted to film it.

And maybe because the story is interesting enough to make people want to see it.


This film is one of the most beautiffully shot films I've ever seen. I hadn't seen it since it came out and I was wondering if it was going to live up to my expectations from my first viewing. I kept having to pause it just to take in the sheer beauty of each scene. I have never done this for any other film. The strange thing is that the director went on to make such appalling films. Colin Firth is a great actor but I can't help but think that Ralph Fiennes, who was originally cast, would have made a better Vemeer. As with eveything she does Scarlett Johansson was mesmerising. Essie Davis as Vemeer's wife tied it up nicely. A stunning film, a rating of just 7. You really have to wonder about IMDB sometimes!


Exactly right Gerdevil, I echo everything you say. This film is a stunning masterpiece visually, has a gripping, compelling plot, and is a superb period piece as well. Clearly one of a handful of great films made since 2000. I would say its hard to imagine any actor could play Vermeer any better than Firth. Johansson as Griet is a revelation, just the perfect actress for the perfect role in the perfect film.

Sadly, as we see from the OP, many people are just incapable of enjoying something like this. This is the sort of film that once you indulge yourself in it, it lives on in your dreams, and day to day idle thoughts. A haunting masterpiece to say the least. I vote 10.


My problem with the OP is not that he/she found it boring, but he/she did not bother to say why. Why not simply say "I prefer action films" or "I don't care for historical stories" vs the snotty "Why" question. The OP went out of their way to be rude.


I tend to think the OP is showing his/her stupidity and or ignorance.
