MovieChat Forums > Troy (2004) Discussion > this was made purely because of Gladiato...

this was made purely because of Gladiator

Funny isn't it a film like Gladiator which was seen as a big gamble (long dead genre last popular in the 50s, director who no had a hit in years, unknown star etc) becomes an award winning megahit and then spawns similar themed movies like this and others .. (in fact Gladiator itself was probably influenced by the success of Braveheart)

Like after Star Wars every movie after was a SciFi extravaganza (even 007).. or when XMen/Spiderman spawned all the Marvel/MCU movies and made DC and others rejuvenate their stuff into shared universes..(unlike Superman which didn't do much for other comic book films back in the 70s/early 80s,, or Batman 89 which instead of spawning other superhero films influenced similar retro noir stuff to get made like Dick Tracy, The Rocketeer, The Shadow)

You'd think studios filmmakers would think 'well we don't wanna be seen to be copying so and so.. so we'll do something else' and actors would be 'hey I don't wanna be seen be copying Russell Crowe!'.. but nope


Hey follow the leader right? I miss that period after Braveheart and Gladiator when they were making these epics. Some sucked but this one was fine.


Very true in what you say, compared to the decade that followed the 90’s had very few big budget historical romps, I wonder which film gave the backers of Braveheart confidence to make it, Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves or Last of the Mohicans?

Thanks to Gladiator the 00’s had many more historical movies!


Those 2 plus Mel


Unfortunately, we may see a long drought in epic historical films of this quality and will have to settle for Netflix-level streaming dramas that look like they're on the same plain but are actually three notches lower. Even the Amazon Lord of the Rings project seems to be hampered by lack of vision and direction. Now with COVID19 delaying many large scale economic ventures, Hollywood has been largely impacted and it may take years to recover. Meanwhile, I think we'll see more CGI Super Hero Youthcapade movies.


Gladiator probably helped LoTR get greenlit too


Gladiator released to theaters and had its success in 2000. LotR was green lit in 1998.


True but I think with audiences this was more successful because of the eye candy. When Troy was released all women went to the theaters to watch hot looking guys. It was still a big thing so every girl went to see it either for either Orlando Bloom or Brad Pitt and once we were watching the movie we also felt for Eric Bana.

It was the movie to watch for eye candy.


I never watched this movie cause I thought they just made Gladiator but with Brad Pitt. Which didn't interest me. It wasn't till reading an article today I even learned it was about the Iliad. Some dumb random movie named Troy. Whole thing was handled terribly.


Now thats crazy because the story of Troy refers to the Greeks while the Gladiator is about the Romans


Gladiator was made purely because of Braveheart
