Suzuki Kyoko

In this movie, the curse kills everybody in the kyoko's family except kyoko herself. Kyoko has been shown to rock the doll incessantly where in the next room her father, her mother have died and in the same timeline her brother dies in the Cursed House and her nephew dies in the next segment. Why was she spared? She does lose her sanity and but still what made her get different treatment?


It didn't looke liek the nephew died. It looked like he was being held, but locked up by the ghost.
A lot in this doesn't make sense. I liked the first much better.


What didn't make sense to you?



I think it's that Kyoko was spiritually strong enough to resist being killed by the curse, for a time at least. I'd assume that eventually she was killed. Notice how she looked a lot like Kayako at the end. It just took longer for the curse to kill her, because she wasn't a typical person.

No disrespect intended, sir, but shove it up your ass!
