If you didn't think this movie was funny
Then you have no sense of humor.
shareHaha, well said, yeah, THIS MOVIE IS TERRIBLE ! I just wasted some time I could have used well for sth. else, like poking my toes. :-)
shareI wonder: does anyone who thinks this movie sucks like Bad Boys, Lethal Weapon, 48 hours, etc?? All those movies got a very distinct humour, a very fine and dry humor. IMHO it's a lot better than all the Big Momma's houses, Wild Hogs, Ben Stiller movies that seem to be so popular these days...
I'm not trying to offend the people who liked the above movies but why should I respect them If they don't respect me...calling the kind of humor in this movie crap is ridiculous. It's just different than what we usually get on our plate these days, that doesn't mean it's bad.
You are 100% right !!
However, I would even dare to call Bad Boys, Lethal Weapon, Big Momma's houses, Wild Hogs, ... plain simply junk. :-))
Yes, I wouldn' go that far not wanting to provoke any people. I can't judge Bad Boys and Lethal Weapon objectively since I grew up with those movies...but I think they're great actually. Wild hogs etc. are junk I have to say. They're the kinda bad there isn't a word strong enough invented yet to describe just how bad it is.
I made the same experience with the movies I loved when I was a teenager (not all movies, but some). It´s better not to watch some of them again (especially when most other think they suck) when one´s grown up.
You have fond memories and then some of them just don´t hold up. It can spoil good youth-memories.
I like that line: "Smash your big toe with a hammer and watch it swell up, I'm positive that would be more entertaining than this."
Somebody wrote that about a movie he didn´t like.
I nearly fell off the chair laughing. :-)
yes, I've had some bad experiences re-watching movies. Memories are often better than what actually is in real life.
I agree with David Lynch on that...
You said it, chinaskee! This movie cracks me up everytime I watch it.