So many problems with this movie. (Massive spoilers)
And most of the problems were a result of them keeping the same characters of the first two films.
1. Kevin is actually never home alone in this.
2. Kevin hasn't learned from his mistakes.
3. What year does this movie take place? This came out 10 years after Home Alone 2 but if it takes place right after, how has no one aged and why is technology so advanced for 1992 standards? A voice-activated house? Come on. If this is not a continuation of the first two, why has no one aged. Buzz actually looks younger.
4. Why are the parents separating? There was never a hint of it in the first two films. Especially considering this (probably) takes place right after part 2. Also, the dad has turned into such a huge jerk. It's almost as if he never cared for his wife.
5. What are the odds they run into Marv for a third time?
6. Flooding the house was a result of Kevin's stupidity. He allowed that house to flood when he could have locked himself in the room. The house was technologically advanced, so he could have used that to his advantage.
7. The twist was way too obvious. They were really hitting it over the head that the butler was some villain and the old lady was so nice that it only led me to believe that she was the villain. Admittedly, I didn't expect her to be Marv's mother. I'll give it that.
8. A nice, big, expensive house and the only Christmas decorations they have is a tree in the corner of one room.
9. Everyone at the party was completely unaware of everything. At all times.
10. What's with some of the hand-held shots?
11. This is a sequel to one of the most loved Christmas films of all-time, but where is the Christmas spirit? Where are the jingles? The heartfelt moments? This felt more like a late November setting than a Christmas one.