MovieChat Forums > The Stepford Wives (2004) Discussion > So are they robots or just brainwashed?

So are they robots or just brainwashed?

This movie makes no sense. It first tries to imply that the wives are replaced by robots (woman used as ATM machine), then at the end Nicole Kidman's character discovers they've just been brainwashed by a microchip (or something like that?) inserted in their brain. So which is it? It's like the writer forgot what storyline he was using and changed his mind halfway through.


I'm not sure. I dont remember the ATM thing since it's been like 5 years. So i'm guessing it was an error

Stoop kid- He's afraid to leave his stoop.


I have always been confused about this too. I want to say that the wives are robots and the real women are kept in kind of like...suspended animation in pods or something...but then that totally contradicts the ending of the movie.



Totally agree, major plot holes. MAJOR.

But if you do some research on the production of the movie, it turns out that there were a lot of behind-the-scenes problems and the director admits to there being plot holes.

Now, I expected more SUBTLE plot holes, not ridiculously huge like first showing a robot version of Nicole Kidman, then never using the robot versions of any of the other women, except sometimes when the men want to take cash out of their checking accounts.

Really *beep* off.

I still enjoy the movie because it's quirky and cute, but smart it is NOT. And I like the darker ending of the original. It was more "realistic" altogether in my opinion.


They were robotized but still had the same brains and central nervous systems. You have to look at the extras section on the DVD for the scene that shows the wives revolting during the Stepford ball. You see faith Hill's arm become hose-like when she grabs her husband by the neck in anger.


Also when the wives are seen destroying the remotes as the husbands try to control them in that scene - not even deleted, but just a small part of the movie, they shred the remotes like they are tinfoil.

It seems Nicole's character was never a robot. . . the other women are essentially cyborgs. Machines with human brains and some human parts.


maybe the men had a list of options they could have installed like with a car?


Ah, good one.


If you could see the original movie or read the book, it would make sense. It was a great storyline. The book is terrific. I read it in the 70s and couldn't put it down.

In the original story, the women were transformed into robots. You would have to read the book to really appreciate the mystery. The "Men's Club" meeting house (eerie looking), and the secret meetings, etc..... it was such a good story. This re-make is a mockery of a really good fantasy/mystery story.


By the way, I have no idea what this story portrayed. I couldn't get through the first half-hour.


I read somewhere that their brains were placed into robot bodies. It makes a little more sense, but really doesn't explain it all. I came on here to ask the same exact question, by the way.

" 'Tis very strange Men should be so fond of being thought wickeder than they are."


I think the nano chips were inserted into the brains, and then the brains were put into robot bodies. That's the way it makes sense to me. After the party scene near the end, the wives obviously got their brains back to normal, but maybe their brains have to be put back into their real bodies. Then, at the Larry King final scene, Bobbi and Roger have their normalized brains back into their real bodies.


The film had major re shoots and the story was messed up because of it (Kidman and Oz hate the film).
I was lucky enough to see a rough cut of the movie months before it came out and it was far better than what was released. The original remake before the re shoots made it clear the women were robots. I think some of the deleted scenes show you more of that stuff (Bette Midler has a cooler in her stomach, a whisk comes out of her finger etc), the ending was also different if i remember rightly.

Im not sure why they changed it so much, i have no idea what they were thinking, but yes they really messed up the film in re shoots and editing.


They decided to make the women still living, just controlled by computer chips in their heads. But I'm guessing, because they kept the robot body that they used to threaten Nicole Kidman with, that they were telling her they were capable of killing her and replacing her with a robot if she didn't comply.


You can see the deleted scene here:


They should have left that scene in. It was hilarious.


Unfortunately, there's no satisfactory resolution to this question because the film was badly-managed; and rewrites and reshoots ruined the movie's continuity and created plot holes.
