Yea .. i'm sorry. I've TRIED to be civil, but that's usually really really hard with someone so stupid.
"Just because the creator decided to do something doesn't make it the right move. So there. If Zelda were meant to be high seas adventures, why did Miyamoto make it land-based for so many games? Oh, and Fs, FSA, and TMC, are far less cretive than, pretty much, ALL the previous games. "
no, you're right, maybe not all creators do what's best for their creations. But I don't see any evidence of that with miyamoto and zelda. He's a smart man, he's isn't blind and he isn't stupid. If you're trying to convince me that TWW was a "bad move". sorry, keep trying. Unlike you, i'm not so arrogant to believe the creator himself doesn't know what he's doing.
"1. Tolkien thought that "The Silmarillion" was his masterpiece, but I'd rather read "The Lord of the Rings" and "The Hobbit".
2. The creators of "CSI" thought it would be a great idea to keep starting new series, but in fact, they're a total waste of celluloid.
3. The creators of the original film "Watership Down" film thought it would be a good idea to make an animated TV show and make one of the characters that was formerly male, a doe. "
while all of that may be true, it has nothing to do with zelda. I have complete faith, that unlike those creators, miyamoto actually KNOWS what he's doing.
"As far as I'm concerned, a timeline can easily be made without using TWW in it, AT ALL. Which I have and still do. So there. TWW isn't a true Zelda game, no matter how much Miyamoto would love for us to believe it. It did not capture the spirit of the games at all. At least one can respect ALttP, but I cannot respect TWW. By the way, if TWW is part of the timeline, how come ALttP makes no mention of the kingdom being destroyed, then rebuild? Why no mention of a flood? "
this is the problem I have with you. You keep insisting that, because YOU didn't like the game, that it doesn't belong in the series, etc etc, blah, blah. Of COURSE it belongs in the series, it's a zelda game. Alot of people disliked majora's mask, but just because THEY disliked it, does that mean it doesn't "deserve" to be with the others, or isn't a "true" zelda game?
so, because I dislike peas or carrots, they aren't real vegatables to me, and they shouldn't even exist, right?
"As far as I'm concerned, a timeline can easily be made without using TWW in it, AT ALL?"
yea probably. But then what's the point of creating NEW games? then you could also apply that to every other game in the series and debate if it actually belongs there or not.
I mean, hey, I wasn't super crazy about majora's mask, but I didn't hate it. That doesn't mean I like, tried to pretend it doesn't exist.
"So there. TWW isn't a true Zelda game, no matter how much Miyamoto would love for us to believe it. It did not capture the spirit of the games at all. "
well, sorry, that's just your opinion. But I have a feeling you'd like everyone else on the face of the earth, to believe that as if it were actual fact, which it isn't.
.. and please, stop saying "so there" as if you actually succeeded in proving a point, it kinda reminds me of my five year old pouting nephew.
"By the way, I don't want to send any messages TO YOU! "
aww, that's too bad. You don't even want to debate with me on aim? I mean, you're sending messages to me right now, so, what's the difference?