This Movie is a Indiana Jones RIP-OFF!
Has anyone else noticed the several parallels between this film and in the Indiana Jones Trilogy. Here is just a few.
The movie starts with Lara(Female Indy) venturing into a acient temple looking an orb(Golden Idol), the orb is stolen from her by Reisse(Belloq) and the site collapses. During her escape she is threatened by a shark(snake).
Later, she is approached by two british agents who need her skills and knowledge of the artifact.
In Raiders Indy is approached by two american agents who need his skills and knowledge of the artifact.
Also but converstations include a reference to sunday school
Lara: "Well, thats the sunday school version."
Indy: "Any of you guys go to sunday school."
Lara decides she need help and goes to a snowy location to find terry.(love interest)
Indy needs helps and goes to a snowy location to find Marion.(love interest)
The orb, the Lara carries around her neck, is also very similar to the headpiece that Marion carries around her neck. And the both are used to located the resting place of the artifact. Cradle of life and the Well of th Souls.
The final similarity is when Lara is forced to kill terry because she knows that the Box is to powerful to be in human hands. This echos the scene in Last Crusade where Elsa dies trying to obtain the Holy Grail. Both characters are to obssesed with the material value of the object and both die because of their ignorance and greed.
These are just the most noticeable of the similarities between the two movies.