This Movie is a Indiana Jones RIP-OFF!

Has anyone else noticed the several parallels between this film and in the Indiana Jones Trilogy. Here is just a few.

The movie starts with Lara(Female Indy) venturing into a acient temple looking an orb(Golden Idol), the orb is stolen from her by Reisse(Belloq) and the site collapses. During her escape she is threatened by a shark(snake).

Later, she is approached by two british agents who need her skills and knowledge of the artifact.

In Raiders Indy is approached by two american agents who need his skills and knowledge of the artifact.

Also but converstations include a reference to sunday school
Lara: "Well, thats the sunday school version."
Indy: "Any of you guys go to sunday school."

Lara decides she need help and goes to a snowy location to find terry.(love interest)
Indy needs helps and goes to a snowy location to find Marion.(love interest)

The orb, the Lara carries around her neck, is also very similar to the headpiece that Marion carries around her neck. And the both are used to located the resting place of the artifact. Cradle of life and the Well of th Souls.

The final similarity is when Lara is forced to kill terry because she knows that the Box is to powerful to be in human hands. This echos the scene in Last Crusade where Elsa dies trying to obtain the Holy Grail. Both characters are to obssesed with the material value of the object and both die because of their ignorance and greed.

These are just the most noticeable of the similarities between the two movies.


Yes yes, every adventure movie is an Indiana Jones rip off



Ohh everything a rip-off, if u didnt know this game was really based on indiana jones except for a girl instead of a boy...and who cares i dont see indiana jones making Really good games/!/!/!/!/!/!/


Actually, Indiana Jones has great games! Haver heard about The Fate of Atlantis??? Ha!



biggest moron in history.

oh damn.



Tomb raider the game is based of Indiana Jones, they where going to have a male lead in the game. But they thought it was too much like Indy. So basicllly Tomb Raider is a movie of a game of a movie.


...and Indiana Jones is a Doc Savage rip-off! Let's tell all these people to stop making movies since they're bound to base it on something! :P


Lara has GUNS! That is very different from Indy :) He just has a little wip :P


...the sequal is just a plain rip-off...i hope Croft has a whip an leather chaps in the third one


Lara Croft is not what makes this a rip-off, what makes it a ripp-off is that the events That happen in Cradle of Life are parallel to the events that happen in the Indiana Jones Series.


what is not these days?


I think the whole creation of Lara Croft from Eidos was alot to do with the Indian Jones franchise. But the movie was always going to have the Indian Jones feel since its written by Hollywood writers. The only thing that seperates the two franchises is that Tomb Raider's leading actor is a women and seeing Angelina Jolie be that leading actor is great is has class, sexy and can act if necessary!


To the person who started this thread, if you played the game before then you will know that this is how Tomb Raider is. You're pathetic go get your facts straight before running your mouth.
"There's no difference between stupid and charming with you, is there?" - Lara Croft


Yeah I have my facts straight and I can see that ,as I had said before, that many parts in the cradle of Life and very similar to the parts that take place in the Indiana Jones Trilogy, That is a FACT, accept it.



Indy using a gun to, sometimes. Dum***


big freaking deal
so they have similarities
all movies are influenced by eachother and its really rare to have an original story line that doessnt have similarites
lara croft is not a rip off of indiana jones
it was a game first that was just intended to be for entertainment in the 90's



Where do you think Indiana Jones came from you idiot? It was a rip off of the countless amount of books, literature and story that was written. Quit jumping on the bandwagon and learn something for once.


" It was a rip off of the countless amount of books, literature and story that was written"

No it was influenced by them. Where as this film has several gags and events that are very similar to those that take place in the Indiana Jones Franchise. Can you not tell the difference between a ripoff and an influence.


Can you not tell the difference between being sarcastic and not?


That, and they had a bunch of Rancor monsters from Jedi in it.




Well, it's like this: remember back in the eighties when a good movie would come out and then there'd be a slew of cheap knock-offs filmed in Italy? Lara Croft is highly derivative of Jones ... but most people would rather stare at a woman's posterior for the duration of one's attention to the game. Same goes for the films. I've seen worse films; mediocre films are the ones that are truly forgettable.



I always consider Lara Croft to be the female version of Indiana Jones.


Hey stupid, this is from a video game, and trust me, no one will mistaken this garbage for a indiana jones flick. I think they should remake the entire series from scratch.
