MovieChat Forums > 2 Fast 2 Furious (2003) Discussion > Why do American movies think 80mph is fa...

Why do American movies think 80mph is fast?

This is on TV at the moment and whilst having a brain dead moment, I couldn't help but think how ridiculous it was when they showed the speedo hitting 80mph and they were pushed back in their seats like wwwwwwhhhhhhhhooooooooaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhh!

I mean come on! I have a five year old production model - i.e. unmodified - 2.0ltr 16v 140bhp Renault Laguna that has done 135mph on a clear motorway in the middle of the night! That's way faster than most of the supposed super cars can go in these movies!

There's also a scene in the first movie where the hero outruns a Ferrari. Yeah right. Even the slowest Ferrari built in the last thirty or so years would have still outrun the hero's car and have left it for dead!

And I'm surprised the main character even has a gear stick left with how violently he pushes it when changing gear!

I suppose the only people who love this movie are car freaks who have never actually driven a car in their entire life or else those who hang round disused car parks in their souped up Ford Cortinas!

"If I tried to kill everyone who hated me, it wouldn't be murder - it'd be genocide..."



youre talking about top speed. top speed doesnt throw you in your seat, acceleration does.


Haha, me and my brother always used to laugh at that part too, and it wasn't just the one time they showed the speed-o hitting 70/80, they showed it quite often like it was some big thing! Glad you pointed this out.



i agree 80 is nothing i do that on back roads everyday What i hate is when the narrator on cops is like OMG hes going 100mph but movies do emphasis on things that dont make sense its stupid


Then you're a *beep* idiot......I don't know what it's like Down Under, but we all don't live like Mad Max. As flawed as the states is, we got laws. You guys need them.....I've heard things....



im gonna join with those agreeing with you... ive gone 120 in a 35 mph road full of twists and turns in Ford Probe GT, 135 in a 70 (Interstate) in a Datsun 280zx, and in my *beep* little VW Jetta 1985 1.8 litre 85 hp half dead engine i've gone 95 mph which didnt seem fast enough (though the shooting at my friends car with an airsoft gun while he shot back made the driving a little more adrenaline filled, the expensive ones hurt like a bitch). Now I'm not saying i break the traphic law, my record is clean... im just stating that 80mph is a cruising speed, not a racing speed.

and for everyone else who talked about how amazing it was how much they got pressed back in their seats... you dont need NOS for that, only a badass car. My 66 Pontiac GTO when accelerated correctly makes it hard to breath. It may not be fast, but its quick. 360 hp, tri carb, all stock engine though no mods. like whats his name said, you dont need mods unless your driving something puny as nothing


It's 'cause the Flux Capacitor only works when you run 88 mph!


It's a movie that's why they think it's fast,stop looking at movies and thinking that's what reality is.

Lonely chicago pie


It is a there is no reason they couldn't have shot the speedometers at 120+ instead of hovering around 80 much of the time. Now, you do have to consider that acceleration is big in this the cars wouldn't be reaching their top speeds...but a 15 second straightaway should max it out no problem. I've seen WRX STi's 0-60 at barely over 3 seconds.
